Numeracy and Mathematics

“Mathematics is important in our everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and to manage our lives. Using mathematics enables us to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions. It equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.”

Building the Curriculum 1


Numeracy is a skill which permeates and supports all areas of learning, allowing young people access to the wider curriculum and develop key skills for life and work. In our everyday lives we will regularly be required to estimate, use number processes, work with fractions and percentages, manage money and time, make measurements and read information from charts and tables.

Being numerate helps us to function responsibly in everyday life and contribute effectively to society. It increases our opportunities within the world of work and establishes foundations which can be built upon through lifelong learning.

In Redwell, we use a range of manipulatives to support our learners. By following the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract theory, we give our learners many opportunities to build conceptual understanding in numeracy.


Learning mathematics gives children and young people access to the wider curriculum and the opportunity to pursue further studies which may lead to careers in fields including science, technology and engineering. It equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.

Mathematics is rich and stimulating and offers learners of all ages the opportunity to solve problems, develop logical reasoning and think creatively, skills which are not only sought after by employers in today’s global economy, but are also essential life skills.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Numeracy and Mathematics is planned using Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes, Benchmarks, and Progression Pathways.

Active involvement in mathematical experiences, set in real and relevant contexts, is vital to the development of knowledge, understanding, skills and a positive attitude towards numeracy and mathematics. Within a rich and supportive learning environment, effective practice will draw upon a skilful mix of approaches that include:



Early Level


First Level


Second Level


Watch the videos below to see children working through addition and subtraction problems using different strategies.


This video shows how to add numbers using the partitioning strategy. 

There are examples from early to second level. 


This video shows how to subtract numbers using the empty number line strategy. 

There are examples from early to second level. 

These videos give an example of some of the approaches taking place in our classrooms from Early through to First and Second Level learning.

Useful Links

Digital Manipulatives

10 daily questions to challenge learners knowledge of number

Worksheets and videos to support learning across all elements of Numeracy and Maths

Range of resources from Education Scotland

6 daily questions to challenge learners knowledge of number

Replicate the Numbers Game from the Channel 4 show