Our Staff

Mrs Julie McKenna

Head Teacher

Miss Gillian Hamilton

Depute Head Teacher (P1-4)

Mrs Jo Rowe

Acting Depute Head Teacher (P5-7)

Mrs Alison Given

Principal Teacher (Beehive and Yellow Wing)

Mrs Emma McCole

Acting Principal Teacher (P3LH and Green Wing)

Mrs Lisa Macaulay

Principal Teacher (Green Wing and Support for Learning)

Mr Nick Traquair

Principal Teacher (P5HT, P6ST and Purple Wing)

Teaching Staff

Mrs Kerry McGirr (P1MT)

Mrs Kirsty Tavendale (P1MT)

Mrs Nikki McKay (P1M)

Mrs Susan Conroy (P2CS)

Mrs Jacqui Stewart (P2CS)

Mrs Deby Caskie (P2C)

Mrs Louise MacDonald (P3MB)

Mrs Lorna Barron (P3MB)

Miss Fiona Lewis (P3LH)

Miss Colette McEwan (P4M)

Miss Lynzie Bryce (P4BM)

Mrs Sarah Black (P5B)

Mrs Linsay Hunter (P5HT)

Mr Chris Swan (P6S)

Mrs Lauren Scotland (P6ST)

Mrs Mirren Heggie (P7H)

Mrs Claire Brown (P7B)

Mrs Zoe Fraser (Interventions)

Miss Lesley Fuller (Interventions)

Mrs Lucy McCappin (Sunshine Room)

Mr Gavin Richardson (PE)

Miss Fiona McLeod (Interventions and P4BM)

Mrs Emma Smith (STEM)

Support Staff

Mrs Vee Smith

Mrs Gill McFarlane

Mrs Vicki Galloway

Miss Catherine Cumming

Mrs Sheena Savage

Mrs Lee Wilson

Mrs Margaret McQueen

Mrs Anda Wright

Mrs Nicola Matchett

Mrs Christine Miller

Mrs Anne-Marie Wilson

Mrs Margaret Reid

Mr Jamie Snaddon

ELC Staff 

Miss Fiona McLure

Senior ELCE

Miss Leah Bancroft

Mrs Kelsie McAlpine - Johnston

 Miss Alyson Farrell

Mrs Karen McCabe

Mrs June Inglis

Mrs Wilma Wilson

Mrs Kay Hynd

Mrs Hazel Knox

Mrs Samatha Parker