Redwell House System

Redwell House System

Every child in our school from P1 - P7 joins a house group and wears a coloured badge to show which group they belong to. As much as possible we try to have siblings assigned to the same house group.

Our four houses are named after trees which grow/have been recently planted in our school grounds. The trees each have powerful words (of Celtic origin) associated with them. Ideal motivational words to symbolise what ownership of each house group means to our pupils.

Whole School House Point Collection Zone

In Class Token Station

In Class Collection Point

House Meetings and points

Children are encouraged to earn house points for making positive behaviour choices.

Sports Day

In the fourth term of each year, we hold our Sports day. Where possible we ask everyone to wear a T-shirt showing their house colours. During these events, we earn points for our house which are added together to hopefully win the House Cup.