
What is it?

Seesaw is an online learning journal. Your child's teacher will share learning from class and you will be able to like and comment in real time with the app.

You can directly message your child's class teacher and share activities from home.


You will receive an invite from your child's class teacher. This will have an unique QR code for your to create an account.


You are looking for the Seesaw Family app not the class app. Download the app for iOS and Android. Links can be found at the bottom of the page.


Once you have downloaded the app, you will be greeted with this screen. To create a new account either sign in with Google or create family account.

Create account

Fill in the required sections.

Privacy Policy

Read and agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.


This is the journals home page.

Add Journal

Scan the QR code that you received from your child's teacher.


Click on your child's name to open their journal. You can repeat this process by clicking on the "add child's journal" button if you have more than one QR code invite.


You should be able to see any work that has been uploaded by the class teacher.