
School App

School App for Parents App makes it easy to keep up to date with what is happening at your child's school – wherever you are. Access to the calendar, events, school news and messages are all just a click away.

Features include

- Calendar including map links for off-site events

- Push notifications for important messages

- Information Section

- News and image gallery

- School contact details including staff members

- School prospectus link

This app is designed to make dealing with 'school stuff' simple and for you to feel fully involved with your child's education.

You can download the app for iOS and Android. Search for the school and you will need the username and password which you can get by contacting the school office on 01259 452212


Follow the school and ELC @redwell_ps

As a school, we use Twitter to share class/group learning, information from council and local groups and hints and tips to aid and support learning.

You can also follow the Redwell Parent Council @RedwellParent