Getting Started

Getting started

This brief video shows you how.

What is my Glow Google account?

All learners need to do is sign-in to Glow and click on Google Drive to activate their Glow Google account. This will give them a new email address ( to use with Google Apps. After that, they just need to sign into Google tools in the web browser and Google apps on mobile phones using this email address and their Glow password.


NB Clacks Glow Google accounts end in

This is the same username as used for computers at school but with cl at front and with the Google ending

Make a post

You can make posts and reply to comments made by others in the ‘Stream’ section of Google Classroom. This is dependent on the access your class teacher has given you.

Click on ‘Share something with your class…’ and type your message. You can also click on the paperclip to share links and files so it is an excellent space to share your learning.

Please only use the stream to share news and work and not to hand in work. If you hand in work on here it wont appear in your folder. See the section on Completing Assignments for more information on how to hand in work.