Julianne Emerson

Julianne Emerson

Written by: Bradley Burt, Jaylah Crane, Emma Socha, Thomas Tejohn

We had the opportunity to interview Julianne Emerson. She was born and raised in  Carlton. She left Carlton to study law and came back so her children could grow up in Carlton.

Julianne went to Carlton High School and was involved in many activities. She really enjoyed the school when she was there. Her favorite sport was volleyball and she was a part of the speech club and the theater club. Julianne liked living in Carlton so much that she moved from her college town so her kids could grow up here. Ever since  Julienne went to Carlton High school, a lot has changed in the community. The Carlton High School has also changed in many ways since Julieanne has been in school. There used to be three levels and an elevator in Carlton High School.  Julienne's father was an art teacher and his room was on the second floor. 

When Julianne was in college, she studied law and now she is an attorney. Julianne first went to St. Olaf, then went to Fond du Lac. Julianne achieved a history major in college. 

After all those years, she decided to go to St Scholastica. Law school led her to her current occupation as an Attorney and at the Carlton School district.