Athletic Code

Athletic Code

The Caledonia Community Schools provide a well-rounded program of interscholastic, competitive athletics, with a wide range of voluntary athletic activities for our young women and men. It is a privilege afforded by the board of education to be a member of a Caledonia athletic team. In life, with each privilege comes a corresponding responsibility. Our athletic program is no different; we provide much but much is expected.

Student-athletes must develop and maintain habits of personal behavior and health that will enable them to perform at an optimum level, to minimize the risk of injury and to also represent themselves and Caledonia in a manner which merits respect from all. Questions regarding our DLMS Training Code and its application may be directed to your head coach or to the athletic office.

The Caledonia Scot tradition has taken years to develop. It is a constant desire to succeed and excel. Do nothing to detract from the PRIDE that is Caledonia Athletics. You have a tradition to uphold!

We will be successful with class, style, and sportsmanship. Go Scots!

Who is Bound by the Athletic Code?

All members of athletic teams (players, managers, and trainers) are bound by the following training rules at all times throughout the entire calendar year.