Disciplinary Guidelines

Level One Offenses

Students who choose the following behaviors are in violation of school rules and are usually handled at school.

  • Skipping classes or tardiness

  • Closed campus violations. Students are not to leave school grounds during the school day without main office approval

  • Inappropriate public displays of affection

  • Continuous disruptive behavior

  • Cheating

  • Technology Violations (Including Cell Phone Use)

School disciplinary action for these offenses will be determined on an individual basis.

Level Two Offenses

The following offenses are those which could be punishable in a court of law, but which are mainly handled at school.

Level two offenses include:

1. Fighting (directing an aggressive physical act toward another individual).

2. Intimidation (the making of verbal or physical threats toward another individual or groups of individuals).

3. Sexual harassment (unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual or suggestive nature).

4. Disrespectful or abusive language/gestures toward another individual or groups of individuals.

5. Any action that seriously endangers another individual.

6. Defiance of rightful authority.

7. Willful destruction or defacing of school property.

8. Using, possessing, or distributing tobacco products or e-cigarettes

School disciplinary action for these major offenses will be determined on an individual basis by the principal or designee. Possible consequences range from a suspension from school with the maximum consequence being expulsion by the School Board.

Level Three Offenses

The following offenses are those which are not only punishable by law, but will also result in the most severe consequences through school disciplinary action.

Level three offenses include:

1. Possession and/or sale of weapons or explosive devices

2. Possession, consumption, and/or sale of alcohol

3. Possession/consumption*, and/or sale/distribution** of drugs, narcotics, prescription drugs and/or look-alike drugs

4. Bomb threats or pulling false fire alarms

5. Theft

School disciplinary action for other offenses listed will be at least a five (5) day suspension from school and at most expulsion through School Board action. The police will be notified as required by the administration and the student will be encouraged to enlist the aid of a counselor for rehabilitative purposes. The school has a sincere interest in the outcome of the counseling and requests that a release be signed by the student and his/her parent/guardian(s) allowing the school to have contact with the counselor in an effort to support the rehabilitation.

The first offense for possession/consumption of drugs/narcotics/look-alikes will be a 10 day suspension from school; a second offense will be a recommendation to the School Board for expulsion. Students may be referred to law enforcement for the determination of appropriate charges.

The first offense for the sale/distribution of drugs/narcotics/look-alikes will be a recommendation to the School Board for expulsion. Students may be referred to law enforcement for the determination of appropriate charges.