Absenteeism & Truancy

Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism

Truancy is ten unexcused absences in a school year.

Chronic Absenteeism is when students miss 10% of scheduled school days (to date) - including excused and unexcused absences.

If a student is truant/chronically absent, we will take the following steps to assist the family and student:

  • Written notification will be sent via email/mail.

  • If attendance issues persist, we will request a meeting with the parent, student, and administrator to establish and implement an attendance improvement plan.

If we are unable to resolve the attendance issue together, then we will be required to make a referral for Truancy Action, to the Kent County Truancy.

Vacations During the School Year

Parents are encouraged not to take their child out of school for vacations. When a family vacation must be scheduled during the school year, the parents should discuss the matter with the principal and the student’s teacher(s) to make necessary arrangements. It may be possible for the student to receive certain assignments that are to be completed during the trip. These absences will count towards your total absences.

Absenteeism Consequences

Absences: notification letters will be mailed home on the 5th and 7th absences in a semester whether the student's absences are excused or unexcused. If a student accumulates additional absences in the same semester, parents/guardians will be requested to meet with school administration to develop an Improvement Plan for their child's attendance and/or the student may be referred to the county truancy officer.