Student Fees, Fines, & Supplies

The District will provide all basic supplies needed to complete the required course curriculum. The student and/or his/her family may choose to purchase their own supplies if they desire to have a greater quantity or quality of supplies, or desire to help conserve the limited resources for use by others. The teacher or appropriate administrator may recommend useful supplies for these purposes.

Students are provided a one-to-one Chromebook throughout the school year. These computers are school property and should be handled with care. Insurance is offered through the district Technology Department to offset the cost of any damage to these computers. In the event that insurance is not purchased by the student, appropriate repair fees will be assessed based on the following fee schedule. Fee Schedule- Click on the link for updated fees.

Students using school property and equipment can be fined for excessive wear and abuse of the property and equipment. The fine will be used to pay for the damage, not to make a profit.