School Dances

Dance rules are as follows:

  • Students will not be allowed to re-enter the building once they leave unless they have special permission from a dance chaperone.
  • Any person causing a disturbance will be removed from the facility, and further disciplinary action may be taken.
  • Students engaged in inappropriate displays of public affection will be warned and will be asked to leave the dance if behavior continues.
  • Any students under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be detained in the principal’s office until parents/guardian acquires custody. Further disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Only students in grades 9-12 will be permitted to attend high school dances. High school graduates may attend the Homecoming and Winterfest dances, along with Prom, if they were in good standing at the high school they attended upon graduation.
  • All dances must be approved by the Assistant Principal.
  • Each student is allowed to bring one guest to a high school dance. The guest must be registered in the main office prior to the dance. The responsibility for the guest’s actions lies with the student who brings the guest. No guests 21 years of age or older will be allowed.
  • Appropriate dancing is required at all times. Those engaged in inappropriate/suggestive dancing, as interpreted by the chaperones present, will be warned, and then asked to leave the dance if behavior continues.
  • School dress code will be enforced at dances.