Riding, Driving & Parking

Self-Transportation Regulations

  • All motor vehicles parked in school parking lots must be registered with the main office and display a valid parking tag on the rear-view mirror.

  • A 15mph speed limit will be observed.

  • Corners will not be “cut.” (Please remember there can be little children near our building.)

  • Student parking is limited to the student parking lot to the north and west of the North Campus.

  • During the school day, students are not to be in the southwest parking lot of the North Campus or the South Campus parking lot.

  • Students are to lock their cars to safeguard against theft, loitering, or vandalism to their vehicles.

  • Cars are not to be occupied during the school day.

  • Students will drive in a safe, courteous manner at all times.

  • Students must present a personal and valid driver’s license when applying for a parking spot.

  • $30.00 for a parking pass. (Replacement and duplication pass fee will be $10.00).

  • Parking passes must be displayed on the vehicle’s rear view mirror.

  • Students must park within the lines in their assigned, numbered parking space.

  • Students must obey all traffic laws, including traffic control signs (No turning left from student lot from

2:30 - 3:00). Spinning tires, speeding, or any other activity that could be considered reckless will not be

tolerated and can result in school discipline.

  • All traffic accidents must be reported immediately to the Front Office or to the School Resource Officer.

  • Once at school, students may not return to the parking lot to visit their vehicle during the school day

unless escorted by a staff member, or if they have a pass/passport.

  • Caledonia High School is not liable for damage to, or theft from, automobiles parked on school grounds.

Policy or Process Violations

Parking and driving regulations are strictly enforced. It is considered a privilege to park on school grounds, not a right. Parking and driving violations are a Level One behavior and are subject to disciplinary guidelines. Moreover, driving privileges can be suspended if violations occur.

PARKING VIOLATION- Any student who does not properly display their parking pass, is driving an unregistered vehicle or who parks in an unauthorized lot (staff lot) will receive a parking ticket

1st Ticket h

  • $10 fine paid within 1 week of when the ticket was issued ,_,...

  • Failure to pay after 2 weeks will result in a $20 fine or a day of ISS in addition to the original $10 fine

  • Failure to pay after 3 weeks will result in a loss of driving privileges for One semester.

2nd Ticket

$10 fine paid within 1 week of when the ticket was issued /'i /, "

  • Failure to pay after 2 weeks will result in a $20 fine or a day of ISS in addition to the original $10 fine

  • Failure to pay after 3 weeks will result in a loss of driving privileges for 1 semester

3rd Ticket

  • $10 fine paid within 1 week of when the ticket was issued

  • Parking privileges will be suspended for 1 semester

Bus Transportation

Bus transportation is provided as a convenience and a privilege to transport many of our students to and from school and for special trips such as athletic events, field trips, etc. As with most privileges, there are accompanying responsibilities that must be assumed by bus passengers. Failure to accept these responsibilities may result in the loss of riding privileges for a period of time.

Keep in mind that the bus is an extension of the classroom and similar conduct is expected. The bus driver assumes the same role on the bus that the teacher plays in the classroom. The bus driver may, at his/her discretion, assign seating and contact parents concerning improper conduct of student passengers.

Students may only ride on their assigned bus, boarding and getting off at the same point each day. Changes in student busing are allowed for long-term changes only, and must be done through the Transportation/Maintenance Center (616)891-0224. Bus passes will not be issued at the building level.

Michigan law states that “students may take only those items on a bus that will fit on their own lap.” Anything larger is not to be brought on the bus. This does include instruments and sports equipment. Golf clubs, skateboards, hockey sticks, fishing poles, skies, and snowboards are not allowed on regular buses.

Bus Discipline Policy

In order to ensure that riding the bus is a safe and positive experience for each student, it is necessary that the following rules and regulations be adopted and enforced.

No student should conduct himself/herself in any manner which jeopardizes the safe operation of the bus. Any distraction or disturbance which draws the driver’s attention from the road could result in an accident, causing injury and possible death to other students. The driver’s authority on the bus is absolute. Thus, disturbances on busses will be handled according to the severity of the act and the age of the student.

Penalties for Infractions

A student who misbehaves on the bus shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Discipline Code and may lose the privilege of riding on the bus.

Bus Conduct Responsibility of Students

· Students must treat the driver with respect and courtesy.

· Students must be at their stop five minutes before the bus arrives, as drivers cannot wait for tardy students.

· Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion. Students cannot stand ahead of the restraining bar behind the driver’s seat.

· There shall be no running or shoving at loading or unloading zones.

· Students are not permitted to litter on the bus.

· Damage to seats or interior will be paid for by the student.

· Students must always cross in front of the bus. Be sure to check both ways for oncoming vehicles, as they do not always heed the red flashers.

· Students must not throw anything on or from the bus or extend any part of the body from open windows.

· Emergency doors must be closed except in cases of emergency.

· Use of profane or vulgar language is prohibited.

· Students must leave the bus only at the consent of the driver.

· The students must obey the driver and report promptly to the school official when instructed to do so by the driver.

· The students should practice classroom conduct (except for ordinary conversation) while using a school bus.

· Students should warn the driver of approaching danger if there is reason to believe the driver is not aware of the danger.

Student Safety

Students are to:

· Stay off the traveled roadway at all times while waiting for a bus.

· Wait until the bus has come to a stop before attempting to get on or off.

· Leave the bus only with the consent of the driver.

· Enter or leave the bus only at the front door after the bus has come to a stop, except in the case of emergency.

· Cross the traveled highway, if necessary, after leaving the bus in the following manner:

o Make certain the bus is stationary.

o When unloading, go to the front of the bus within sight of the driver and wait for the proper signal for crossing.

o Upon signal from the driver, look both ways and proceed across the highway in front of the bus.

o Walk (not run) in front of the bus.

· Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times.

· Inform the driver when absence is expected from school, so the driver does not wait needlessly for you.

· Report to the driver at once any damage to the bus that is observed.

· Help keep the bus clean, sanitary, and orderly.

· Pay for any damage to the bus caused by the student.

· Refrain from drinking or eating on the bus.

· Be courteous and obedient to the bus driver. Their help will enable the driver to make the school bus safer.

· Always face the traffic when walking on the road or highway.

Video on Bus

The Board of Education has installed video cameras on school buses to monitor student behavior. Actual videotaping of the students on any particular bus will be done on a random-selection basis.

If a student misbehaves on a bus and his/her actions are recorded on a videotape, the tape will be submitted to the principal and may be used as evidence of the misbehavior. Since these tapes are considered part of a student's record, they can be viewed only in accordance with Federal law.

Penalties for Infractions

A student who misbehaves on the bus shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Discipline Code and may lose the privilege of riding on the bus.