Entry to School Grounds

Entry to School Grounds

If an emergency situation requires that a student be called to the office to meet with a visitor, a member of the administrative staff must be present during the conference. A student will not be permitted to leave the school with anyone who is not clearly identified as his/her parent or an appropriately-authorized person.

Classroom Visitations

Because classroom visitations can be distractive to the students, it has been necessary to establish the following guidelines:

• Parents, other than those who have been asked by a teacher to be in the classroom, who wish to observe learning activities taking place in their student’s classroom are to confer, in advance, with the principal and the teacher and state the purpose of the visitation.

• Visitations will not be allowed during examinations and independent study periods.

• A visitation should be no longer than one class period.

• The number of visitors at any one time should not exceed two parents.

• The frequency of visits for any student's parents should be no more than once every four weeks and the aggregate number of visits per week should not exceed three visits.

• Parents are to be silent observers and are not to create any type of disturbance or disruption to the learning process.

• Copies of instructional materials being used by the students or teacher may be requested of the teacher but not always be immediately available during the visitation.

• Any comments made by individual students are to be maintained in confidence by the visitor to the activity.

• Use of audio or visual equipment to record classroom activities must be approved by the principal and the teacher. No visitor shall be allowed to videotape students in the classroom as it violates the privacy rights of students unrelated to the visitor.

Parent Involvement

Parents are always welcome to volunteer. Opportunities for CHS parents and friends vary from booster events, sporting events, etc. A Volunteer Handbook with a sign-up form is available on the district’s website. When you do visit, please make your presence known by stopping in, signing the visitor’s list at the front office and pick up a visitor’s badge to wear. If you need to bring a preschooler with you when you volunteer, please speak with the teacher ahead of time. Our volunteer procedure is to help ensure the safest school environment for our students and staff. You will need to have a background check on file.