Major Premise of Conduct & Discipline

Major Premise

  • Students have the right to be in school. Inherent in that right are students’ responsibilities to respect the rights of others and to become actively and productively involved in their academic and social learning.

  • Good discipline uses logical and realistic consequences. Students who experience consistent, logical and realistic consequences learn that they, themselves, have positive control over their lives and their impact on their community.

  • Trust, respect and courtesy among staff and students should be a constant within our school. These three qualities provide the foundation upon which our behavioral expectations are based.

  • The school climate is founded on behavioral expectations that truly prepare students for life after high school. They explicitly teach / remind all school community members (students, staff, parents, and community members) of the importance of positivity impacting the climate and culture at CHS.

  • Supreme Law of the School

  • While in attendance at this school, students must occupy their time with academic activity. If a student chooses to occupy their time in other ways, he/she may be sent home for the day. This day will be counted as an unexcused absence. The student must follow the by-laws specified by the Board of Education.