Electronic Communication Devices 

Communication Device Use

Cell Phone Policy: The respectful, non-disruptive use of cell phones and AirPods is permitted in the school cafeteria during lunch period and passing time. As soon as the threshold of the classroom or any prohibited area is crossed, cell phones and AirPods need to be put away into cell phone holders located in the classroom and made completely undetectable (i.e. silenced without vibration). Cell phones will remain in the holders and are not permitted to leave the room when students use the bathroom. Violation of the cell phone policy as stated above will result in the following disciplinary action:

Device Responsibility

The students who possess a cell phone or electronic devices shall assume sole responsibility for its care. At no time shall the district be responsible for preventing theft, loss, or damage to cell phones or any other electronic devices brought onto its property.

Privacy of Others 

Videotaping and taking photographs of other students/staff without their knowledge and consent during the school day or at school events is strictly prohibited. Doing so against their knowledge or without consent will lead to disciplinary action that could include suspension from school and loss of cell phone/electronic device privilege at school, as will the sharing or posting of such videos or images on social media.  Videotaping and taking photographs of other students/staff in the bathroom or locker rooms is strictly prohibited even with their consent.  Students must be aware that such actions could lead to legal action as well.