
Communication to Parents

The district newsletter, Cal Communicator, is periodically mailed to all citizens of the Caledonia school district. It is designed to give citizens an overview of our total school community.


Our school provides a variety of athletic activities in which students may participate providing they meet any eligibility requirements that may apply. A student’s use of a performance-enhancing substance is a violation that will affect the student’s athletic eligibility and participation. Further information on athletics is found in this handbook.

All athletic programs of the district shall comply with the concussion protocols of the Michigan High School Association, the requirements of the state law, and Department of Community Health guidelines regarding concussion awareness training and protection of youth athletes.

Lost & Found

Lost and found is available at the school. Parents are encouraged to mark students’ personal items, if they are to be brought to school. Personal items of value should NOT be brought to school.

Student Sales

No student is permitted to sell any item or service in school without approval of the principal. Violation of this may lead to disciplinary action.

Student Employment

The school does not encourage students to take jobs outside of school that could interfere with their success in school. If a student believes that s/he must maintain a job in addition to going to school, s/he must first make contact with his/her counselor to discuss any legal requirements and obtain any needed documents.

Field Trip Authorization Form from Parents

A form authorizing your student to attend/participate in field trips will be sent from the school. This form will need to be signed and on file before your student can participate in any field trip.


Upon arrival on school property you will enter the building. There will be no loitering on the grounds or in vehicles.

Preparedness for Toxic and Asbestos Hazards

The School is concerned for the safety of students and attempts to comply with all Federal and State Laws and Regulations to protect students from hazards that may result from industrial accidents beyond the control of school officials or from the presence of asbestos materials used in previous construction. A copy of the School District’s Preparedness for Toxic Hazard and Asbestos Hazard Policy and asbestos management plan will be made available for inspection at the Board offices upon request.

Report of Abuse or Neglect

In compliance with Board of Education Policy and State statute, professional staff members are required to report to the proper authorities any sign of child abuse or neglect.

Review of Instructional Material and Activities

Parents have the right to review any instructional materials being used in the school. They also may observe instruction in any class, particularly those dealing with instruction in health and sex education. Any parent who wishes to review materials or observe instruction must contact the principal prior to coming to the School. Parents’ rights to review teaching materials and instructional activities are subject to reasonable restrictions and limits.

Speaker Policy

Our school supports the Board of Education Policy for guest speakers. Speakers are required to sign a form agreeing to abide by the guidelines. Written parental permission will be obtained for topics that fall under Board Policy #2240. For more information, please contact the office.