Photography and Photo Manipulation by Maca

Thank you for visiting my Photography and Photo Manipulation page!

Please feel free to check out my photography below!

I also recommend checking out other peoples photos, everyone is really talented and have inspired me to push my limits in one way or another.


My friend Lexi and I went on a walk and took photos together and I decided to experiment with fire.

Drama Heads

On the same day as ignition just we were in Lexi's room and I captured this interesting lighting.

Dreamlike Sky

This photo was just a photo I took because I love landscape pictures that show off the beauty of the sky. The only edits I made were lowering the exposure and adding a slight pink tint.

Seasons Through the Lens- Four Seasons Photo Shoot

For this project we did a final studio portrait session where we shot portrait photos of a classmate themed on the four seasons in Vermont. We used outfits, props, sprays, gels, and advanced lighting setups to capture these looks. We also used portrait retouching techniques in Photoshop and Lightroom to edit and refine each portrait. These were my favorite shots from that series featuring Hannah in all four seasons!

Double Exposure Effect

For this project we used Photoshop to emulate a classic photography effect that came from vintage film photography when two images were shot on the same frame, using opacity to blend them. I combined a portrait and landscape shot to create this manipulation!

The Blockbuster- Movie Poster Redesign

For this project we recreated posters from famous movies starring ourselves, and I made mine based on the movie Bruce Almighty. We designed these as high quality documents using the full size billboard layouts. We had to create every element ourselves and could only import limited credited assets, so every layer of this design was something I shot or brought together!

Photo Challenge- Whisper or Shout

This was our first photography challenge where we had an open-ended prompt that we used photography to communicate. This prompt was to take a photo that either “whispered” or “shouted.” My photos whisper through lighting. As you can see, I was in a depressive episode and I used whisper to express the mental state I was in.

Visually Clever- Prop Photo Effects

This project had an open-ended prompt to use props of any kind to create photo tricks, illusions, and interesting perspectives. Beyond thinking creatively about the props, we had to compose the photos to showcase clever concepts. I titled this piece "Visually Pleasing Orb" because I used a lens ball and lots of accessories to create the flipped and warped perspective of a lens ball.

Extrospection- Portraits On Location

After lots of practice doing portraits in the studio and outdoors, this project allowed us to shoot three or more portraits of two or more subjects in any location, style, and mood of our choosing. The most important elements of this shoot was to capture a sensitive depth of field, edit with portrait retouching techniques, and showcase our subjects in their best light. This was my favorite from the portraits I shot.

Barking Up the Wrong Tree

This was a part of our 3-2-1 Photo Walk we did. and this was one of the first pictures I took during the project. You can already see the perspective photos coming into play.

That Studio Life- Intro to Studio Photos

These were some photos I took with Aidan and Eli as we started to experiment with lighting and portrait photography in the studio.

Layers on Layers- Collage

This was our first project in Adobe Photoshop to learn about masking and layering. Using selection and masking techniques, we created our own collages with dozens of photos. My collage is all about Lil Peep.

Watercolor Effect

For this project we made our own watercolor art that we scanned in as high resolution layers. From there, we used Photoshop to mask and layer these paintings with photographs, making our own fusion of handmade and digital art!

Painting with Time- Light Painting Demonstrations

For this project, we worked with teams in a pitch black dark auditorium room to do some light painting. Using tripods and shutter speeds as slow as 20+ seconds, we created these light paintings by hand without any Photoshop or added effects. I tried to spell out 'smile' but it didn't quite workout.

Get Studio Lit- Lighting Experiments

In this project, I was the subject being experimented on with lighting. One thing I love about lighting projects is experimenting with the colored gels.

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