
What is covered in the soldering topic

You have to be able to:

Task 1a - Research Task and Portfolio of Learning

Electronics component poster

You will be required to create a A3 poster of a selected electronics poster or concept (pick from the doc on the right) you will need to first create a sketch design and then digitise it while constantly improving your design with feedback.

Go to Schoology for your copy of the document

While you are beginning this task you will also be working on task 2 and 3

Electronics Poster

Task 1b - Research Task

The soldering unit consist of two parts:

In this document you will demonstrate your understanding and skills of soldering. You will need to take photos of your work.

Soldering Safety

Soldering Tasks

Task 2: Cube Creation

Over the next 3 weeks you will be working through creating a soldering cube. 

Teacher will give explanation on what meets each grade

Task 3: Animal Creation

Now that you have learned some soldering its time to design your own creation (don't have to be an animal) you can either do the task in groups of 1 or 2.

Teacher will give explanation on what meets each grade

Task 4: Vero/Strip Board Soldering

In this task you will be preparing solder quality for a circuit board. The task is simple, Solder 5 resistors next to each other on a Vero Board without solder spilling into either the next row or hole.

Please show your teacher your soldering every two resistors 

Metal Detector Assessment

Once your research task and the other soldering tasks have been signed off, we will now prep for the assessment. In the assessment you will be required to solder a Metal detector, to complete this you will;

Things to check