Roles of Women in the Grange

Women Early Had Important Roles in the Grange

The Grange was the first fraternal organization to admit women to membership upon full equality with the men. So, when it was decided to invite the women to join it seemed desirable to create certain offices for them. The need of a Lady Assistant Steward, for instance, was obvious, and in addition the Founders called upon Roman mythology for the names of three women officers, selected from the goddesses whose functions were the protection of growing things, though the ritualism itself is based on Greek mythology - and on the Eleusinian rites of 25 centuries ago into which only the outstanding citizens were eligible.

CERES was the goddess who presented to mankind the great gift of grain upon which we depend to such a large extent for our sustenance.

POMONA was the goddess who presided over fruits, and to whom the fruit growers appealed for protection of their products and for an abundant yield.

FLORA was the goddess of flowers and of Spring, and to her was due the fact that the earth is so beautifully adorned with flowers.

More than equality has been given women, as it will be seen, for while a woman can hold any office in the Grange, there are four offices that are not open to men.

For more information on Women in the Grange, please visit the California State Grange: