Stedman Grange No. 241

History of the Town of North Harmony, Book I and Book II by Floyd L. Darrow, 1953

Stedman Grange (Book I, p. 166-167)

Before me lies the “ROLL BOOK” of Stedman Grange No. 241, State of New York, on the first page of which I find “Names of Charter members, Oct. 9, 1874. They were as follows.

Charles Tarbox Amos Seymour

Jared Seymour Ellen Seymour

Sanford Main Erastus Gifford

Lucretia Main Jane Gifford

Martin P. Chase Hiram Marcy

Roxy A. Chase William L. Marcy

Benjamin Green Alfred Hawley

Jane Green Holder B. Gifford

Charles Butts Emma Gifford

John Ford Harvey Dixon

Harvey Taylor Luther Mason

Lucinda Taylor Adelbert Eddy

Henry Ford Archibald Cowles

Rhoda Ford

I also find the following unsigned bit of history on a loose leaf in one of the record books:

“History of the Stedman Grange”

“The grange was organized by 27 charter members, October 9, 1874 at the home of Rastus Gifford, father of the late Emmit Gifford.

“The grange became much larger so was held at a private huse on the farm now owned by Mrs. Grace Tripp.

During the year 1900, the property now owned by the grange was purchased and a barn built. The upstairs was used for meeting and the downstairs was used to shelter the horses. Again a larger building was needed so in 1911 William Halliday built the hall now used for the present day Grange meetings.

In the record book of the Stedman Grange from January 8, 1908 to September 25, 1912, the following appears:

‘At a regular meeting of Stedman grange No. 241 held Nov. 23, 1910 a proposition to build a Grange Hall was discussed. The Hall to be 30 x 60 and two stories high the estimated cost $2600. To raise this money the Grange will offer to loan money ini sums of (5) five dollars and upward for which they will give a note bearing interest at 4% running tens years from date of note. The authority being given to sign those notes to the Master and under the seal of the Grange affixed by the secretary these notes to be redeemable at any time the interest is due. Those who will make such loans will signify the same by signing their names and amount they will loan to the back of this sheet the same to be paid on demand of the Secretary of the Grange.’

On December 14, 1910, the following officers, who were in charge during the erection of the Grange Hall were elected:

Master G. G. Swart

Overseer Eveleen Goate

Lecturer Sadie Pringle

Steward L. D. Card

Asst. Steward H. C. Marcy

Chaplain Olive Tefft

Treasurer Geo. Tefft

Secretary W. L. Marcy

Gate Keeper Wm. Shutts

Ceres Nettie Shtts

Pomona Ellen Seymour

Flora Linda Hubbell

Stewardess Martha Card

Trustee W. L. Marcy

Organist Sadie Pringle

On January 11, 1911, the foregoing officers were installed by visiting representatives of the Westfield Grange.

At a meeting of the Grange under date of February 22, 1911, I find the following:

‘Bro Palmer (of) the building committee on the new grange Hall at Stedman wish(es) to submit the following report that after thorough investigation finds that we are unable to complete the building within the limit of $2000. However by consulting different carpenters we find by reducing the size of the building 10 ft in length and 2 ft in width making it 28 x 50 that we can bring the cost within the limit. This will necessitate placing the kitchen in the end of the building instead of at the side.

Building Committee

Thereupon, the following action was taken:

“Moved that we reduce the size of the Hall to 28 x 50 ft (Carried)

“Moved that the committee compete the building by the 1st of Oct if it can (be) done as cheaply, if not delay the operation until later (Carried)

“Moved if the committee cannot bring the cost to 2000 to report back to the grange. (Carried)

As already record, the building was completed in 1911, and on the memorial board at the front of the hall, the following inscription may be read:

“1911 Stedman Grange 1911”

1974 Officers

Master Horace Benjamin

Overseer Allan Morton

Lecturer Blanche Johnson

Steward Richard Nash

Asst. Steward Phillip Morton

Lady Asst. Steward Cerise Morton

Chaplain Mary Saxton

Treasurer Lincoln Fisher

Secretary Eloise Vergith

Gate Keeper Lorenzo Alexander

Ceres Avis Springer

Pomona Dorothy Gleason

Flora Lorene Gleason

Organist Alma Seymour

Executive Committee 1. Edwin Barton

2. Leon Balling

3. Ernest Hanson

Service and Hospitality Committee 1. Elizabeth Fisher

2. Caroline Barton

3. Martha Ellen Burns

In obtaining the foregoing information Mrs. Earl Hoyt kindly assisted in locating the record books at the Grange Hall, while Mrs. Ernest Vergith provided the names of the present (1952) officers.

Thus the Stedman Grange, now looking back upon close to fourscore years of useful service, faces the future with just pride sin its past accomplishments and quiet confidence in what the coming years may bring forth. Its membership has grown from 27 to 198, and the community it serves is one of the most prosperous in the State.

Among the “Golden Sheaf Members” of the NY State Grange in 1933 dwere the following from the Stedman Chapter:

Mrs. Martha J. Cowles, Jared Hewes, Mrs. Ellen Seymour Their date of joining was 1874.