Quick-start guide

Postal address of Friar Court

[Your room number], Friar Court, 2 Old Marston Road, Marston, Oxford OX3 0JP

You should have a postbox key to access the postboxes at the front of the building.


There is a drop-off area at the front of the building, with bollards which will be dropped during arrivals weekend. If you are arriving by car, please try to limit your time in this area as much as possible as there will likely be other people needing to use it too- please try to unload and move your car before unpacking.

Parking in Oxford is highly regulated, but you should be able to find some two-hour parking spaces within the area around Friar Court.

Moving in

Some things to remember:

Your key card

What it does Your key card should work on the external sensors, your flat door, and the little slot just inside your room to activate the electric. 

Lock your door behind you Your bedroom door won't lock itself when you leave, so you can't lock your card in your room. However, it means you need to remember to swipe your door when you leave to make sure it is locked. You can, of course, lock yourself out of your main flat door- so be careful!

Losing your key If you lose your key, we have spares located at Clive Booth Student Village reception (John Garne Way, off Marston Road- about 15 mins walk). The staff there should be able to lend you one temporarily (there is a charge for lost keys!) and it is staffed out of hours by wardens.

If there is a fire alarm

Leave the building You need to leave the building if you hear the alarm and gather away from the building on the grass area at the front if it is safe to do so. 

Read the fire notices You will see fire notices throughout the building giving details on what to do if there is an alarm activation. Note that if there is a fire, students will need to call the Fire Service themselves (999) and Security to attend if there is a false alarm.

Alarm testing will be done regularly. We appreciate this can be annoying, but it's something we can't avoid.

Fire drill We will be running a drill at some point- if full evacuation doesn't happen within a satisfactory timeframe, we'll need to repeat.

If your escape route is blocked, close any doors you can and stay put

Reporting repairs

You can report repairs or maintenance problems via the following methods:

1) You can fill out a Google Form here

2) Email us at lettings@brookes.ac.uk

3) Call us  on +44 (0) 345 193 2425

4) If there is an out-of-hours emergency, call 07768 061 265

Getting online

You should have instuctions in your room on how to connect to the building wifi. We strongly recommend have an ethernet cable/ adapter as a backup in case of wifi issues.

In you are having problems, please see our troubleshooting guide.

Some useful links

Moving in guide- on the Oxford Brookes website

Brookes Union Facebook Group- visit here to fins the group for your hall and find your flatmates

Information for new students- on the Oxford Brookes main website

Transport- for information on transport around the University, including special offers and how to get your free transport on Brookes buses

Wellbeing Services- for help with disability issues and counselling

Halls Finance- if you need to discuss rent matters