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Writing Groups

Students work collaboratively to produce content for books, articles, wikis and more. Engaging with writing groups can aid the development of a number of skills such as time management, designing, typesetting, and editing. It also results in a final product in which contributors can take pride.

For example, in 2014 students worked on a handbook for Oxford within a second year publishing module. Following completion of the module, students volunteered to prepare the book for publication. The result was a 128-page illustrated book; The Student Guide to Oxford .

Image of The Student Guide to Oxford book

Placement Presentations

Many students take part in placements as part of their degree. Where these placements involve researching for the placement provider, students can share their findings. Students disseminate the research to peers and professional judges and therefore gain valuable experience in communicating ideas to an authentic audience. Placement presentations help to develop communication skills, increase confidence, and enhance student CVs.

Image of board covered in documents and images

Product Development

Students carry out research in order to create a new product, combining academic research work and learning with vocational skills.

First and second year engineering students, for example, research Stirling Engines – a closed cycle engine which cyclically compresses and expands fluid to power refrigeration. Participants identify potential improvements to the design in order to inform their work in designing and producing their own models, which must not be more costly, nor more difficult to manufacture than the original. They subsequently present their models to peers and determine whose performs best – a great way to support and build confidence.

Image of students demonstrating product