
The pīwakawaka is a fantastic native bird. They are small and cute but have a huge fan for a tail. They are also known as fantails. This tail helps them to turn and change directions quickly while flying.

Pīwakawaka often follow us in the forest because we disturb the ground which stirs up the flies and other small insects for them to snack on.

They also eat insects that hide in the harakeke leaves and feed worms to their babies after chewing them up.

Threats to the pīwakawaka are pests like cats, rats, possums and stoats.

By Lillymay, Hara, Ava, Dakota and Zara

We love this bird so much we celebrated them by making giant Pīwakawaka sculptures on Minecraft Education.

Did you know you can use screen record to share your Minecraft creations while explaining them? Then you can bring them into clips to add your own soundtrack! Check out some of ours below.
