

"What was that?"asked Arshnoor.

"A ROCKET SHIP!" yells Jack.

"No, it's a kererū" says Aria.

"A kererū?

"If it was a kererū, why would it be Crashing everywhere?!" says Jack.

"Oh yeah," says Arshnoor.

"It must be drunk " said Aria.

"How?" Asked Arshnoor.

"Because its been eating too many rotten fruits again" says Aria.

The Kererū is a large bird that eats lots of berries. In fact they’re the only birds left (all others are now extinct) big enough to swallow berries hole.

The kererū is also called a wood pigeon. It is a beautiful native bird with lots of purple, green, white and teal coloured feathers. It wears an awesome tight white singlet.

The noisy beat of its wings is a distinctive sound as they flap and swoop through the forest and over wetlands searching for berries.

The kererū is important in the seed dispersal of large native berry trees. They eat lots of berries, fruits and plants then swoop and poop the seeds out planting new forests everywhere.

Several pests and predators threaten the kererū's survival and puts the forest at risk as well.

By Aria, Mackenzie, Dakota, Abulfazl, Nixon and Deimos