Annika Schoenborn

Plastic Tragedy

Inquiry question: How is the livelihood of the ocean impacted and destroyed by plastic?

I have always had a love for the ocean and admired its sea life. Although, is is heartbreaking knowing that plastic used everyday ends up in the ocean and harms the beautiful creatures living there. The ocean is a place many of us enjoy, and by standing on beaches and looking over the horizon, we do not notice what is happening to the creatures under the water and the plastic piled up in other areas. With my art, I wanted to create pieces that represented the dangers of plastic used by humans that ends up in the oceans. Many animals are harmed by our actions, which many do not acknowledge when we use plastic. I wanted to show the harm plastic is done to sea life through a variety of pieces, from a ceramic gravestone to a mermaid tail.

I have also included some pieces I have created throughout the years.

Plastic bottles and bags are very popular plastic items, which eventually find their way to the ocean where they harm sea life. In one of my first projects senior year, I chose to turn a turtle into a bottle to represent how simple it is for plastic to impact an animal and how the plastic totally controls the life of these animals. One of my next pieces, the gravestone, was created to represent how plastic causes death. This piece is a simple gravestone partially covered in plastic bags. The plastic bottle and turtle demonstrate a specific creature being affected by plastic. Three of my pieces, pictured below the whale tail, are incomplete. The plan was to glaze them and add real plastic to them as mixed media. The rest of the work is from past years.

Every single piece of mine took hours of creativity and dedication. With senior year ending the way it did, it was quite difficult to finish the year off on a good note and I was not able to fully complete each of my pieces and look at them all together. I was unable to finish many of my pieces pertaining to my theme of plastic in the ocean and they are currently not glazed. Although, what I have learned from this experience is that it is so important to use the time you have to be creative and get work done.

Plastic Death

L: 5.5"

W: 3"

H: 9"

Turtle Metamorphosis

L: 19"

W: 4"

H: 8"

King of Plastic (unfinished)

L: 8"
W: 8"
H: 9"

Trapped Octopus (unfinished)

L: 10.5"

W: 10.5"

H: 5"

Whale Tail (unfinished)

L: 7"

W: 7"

H: 22"

Ocean Tide

L: 4"

W: 4.5"

H: 15.5"

Plastic Tail

L: 10"

W: 5"

H: 1/8"

Cut Out

L: 5.5"

W: 5"

H: 13"

Three but One Strawberry

L: 7"

W: 7"

H: 1/4"

Abstract Watermelon

L: 7"

W: 9"

H: 18"

Mrs. Potts

L: 6.5"

W: 7"

H: 9"

Lake Life

L: 6.5"

W: 6.5"

H: 10"