Health and Safety

Health and safety in the Design Studio is critical. We ask that you follow these guidelines when in the studio:

Safety measures

Always work with a buddy

Students cannot work in the studios unsupervised--a teacher must be present.

Emergency Contact Information is posted in the studio

Look for the red posters with emergency contact information

The Design Studio is equipped for all kinds of making, building, creating, experimenting, and inquiring. We use a wide range of materials and technologies.

Before using any tools, technologies, or materials, please check with the Head of Design or Design Technician.

Review these for the safe handling and disposal of any material you use in the studios.

Learn more about different materials at the Design and Inquiry website

Use of materials

In general, most materials are available for use. 

However, for large projects, or non-design course project, materials may need to be purchased. In many cases we have the material and will ask that you just replace it with the same or something similar.  

We don’t accept cash. 

Materials need to be replaced with materials. Always ask before using materials, and check the MSDS

Forbidden Materials

For health, safety, and environmental reasons, the following materials cannot be used in the Design Studios or with our equipment:

Equipment Use

Equipment refers to machines or devices that you might use, such as laser cutters, 3D printers, glue guns, drills, etc.

Equipment should be used safely, correctly, and appropriately. Students cannot use equipment without checking with their teacher or the Design Technician

To use equipment independently, you must complete a Skills Passport Certification. You can do this independently, or as part of your inquiry (Criterion A, B, or C).  Find out more here.

Tool Use

Tools refer to hand tools such as knives, cutting mats, button maker, etc., 

Tools should be used safely, correctly, and appropriately. 

Tools shoud be cleaned and returned to their storage space.

In general, each classroom has a class set of tools (scissors, glue sticks, rulers, etc.). These belong to the classroom and should be returned to the appropriate place when finished.