BHA Design Skills Passport

Introduction to the Skills Passport

1. CAD/CAM Skills

1.1 Skills related to setting-up and using CAM machines such as 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC router, etc. 

*CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing

1.2 Using CAD software to create designs for CAM machines, such as Tinkercad, Fusion 360 or Adobe Illustrator.

*CAD = Computer Aided Design

2. Coding & electronics skills

2.1 Skills related to coding and computational thinking including Scratch, Python, and Cisco NetAcademy

2.2 Electronics including making circuits, soldering, and physical computing

3. Digital Skills

3.1 Skills related to using digital technologies to create and present solutions or products.

4. Fabrication and Modeling Skills

4.1 Skills related to modeling ideas and making products using small machines and hand tools

5. Robotics skills

5.1 Skills related to building, testing, and operating robotic systems.