2.1 Coding skills

Overview of Skill Category

2.1 Skills related to coding and computational thinking including Scratch, Python, and Cisco NetAcademy




cyber security

Scratch tutorials



Computational thinking basics -

2.1: Introduction to Scratch

This workflow will show you how to ....

Additional resources

2.2: Intermediate Scratch

This workflow will show you how to ....

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2.3: Advanced Scratch

This workflow will show you how to ....

Additional resources

tutorial coming soon

2.4 Cisco Python (PCEP) Entry Level Qualification 

This qualification is recommended for students entering G10 Computer Science.

You will complete this qualification through the CISCO NetAcademy. 

Additional resources

tutorial coming soon

2.5 Cisco Python (PCAP) Associate Level Qualification (Level 2)  

This qualification is recommended for students entering G10 Computer Science.

You will complete this qualification through the CISCO NetAcademy. 

Additional resources

tutorial coming soon