1.2.4 Intermediate Fusion 360 skills

Skills tutorials, workflows, &  resources 


A: Fusion 360: 2-part paper pulp mold

This tutorial will show you how create a stool using bilateral symmetry.

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tutorial coming soon

A: Fusion 360: 3-part paper pulp mold

This tutorial will show you how create a stool using bilateral symmetry.

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tutorial coming soon

A: Fusion 360: laptop stand

This tutorial will show you how create a laptop stand

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tutorial coming soon

A: Fusion 360: Bilaterial symmetry stool 

This tutorial will show you how create a stool using bilateral symmetry.

Bilateral symmetry stool.mp4

B: Fusion 360: Radial symmetry stool 

This tutorial will show you how create a stool using radial symmetry.

Radial Symmetry stool.mp4

B: Fusion 360: Create a maze puzzle using the CNC router

This tutorial will show you how create a simple maze puzzle using the CNC router

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tutorial coming soon

F: Alessi Pot

This short tutorial will introduce you to creating a basic cup. You will learn how to:

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Parametric Lamp

This short tutorial will introduce you to creating a parametric lamp that could be cut on the laser cutter. . You will learn how to:

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Making a lamp using parametric modeling
Parametric Lamp Tutorial.mp4