Fusion 360 Registration

Check your registration. If you have Fusion 360 installed, open it and look at the heading.

If you don't have Fusion 360 installed, or if it says anything else, you need to register or update or license.

Follow these steps to complete your registration. It's not as simple as you think, so pay close attention.

1. Get prepared

To complete your registration, you will require two documents:

  • Images of the front of your ID card; Clear image of your face is needed.

  • A letter from the school stating that you are a student. Use this form to generate a Letter for Registration

Very important: The name on your ID card and on the letter MUST match. If they don't, re-submit the form.

Fill out the form and then check your email for the Registration Letter.

2. Login and Register

Fusion 360 Registration

Using Fusion 360 in a web browser

Fusion 360 can also be used in a browser on your laptop and iPad. This is a good option if you don't have the software installed on your computer.

This option is a bit slower, so make sure you have a reliable and fast internet connection. Any work you do in the browser version will be saved to your Fusion account... but make sure to press the save button regularly.

Follow the instructions below to access it in your browser (Chrome or Safari)