Recent Publications
Bolded names indicate lab members while they were actively working in the Marder lab.
Hampton, David, Kedia, Sonal, and Marder, Eve. (2024) Alterations in network robustness upon simultaneous temperature and pH perturbations. Journal of Neurophysiology, 131:3, 509-515. doi: [Journal of Neurophysiology] [PDF]
Schapiro, Kyra, Rittenberg, JD, Kenngott, Max, and Marder, Eve. (2024) Ih Block Reveals Separation of Timescales in Pyloric Rhythm Response to Temperature Changes in Cancer borealis. bioRxiv. doi: [bioRxiv]
Marom, Shimon, and Marder, Eve. (2023) A biophysical perspective on the resilience of neuronal excitability across timescales. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 1-13. doi: [Nature Reviews Neuroscience] [PDF]
Alonso, Leandro, Rue, Mara CP, and Marder, Eve. (2023) Gating of homeostatic regulation of intrinsic excitability produces cryptic long-term storage of prior perturbations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (26), e2222016120. doi: [PNAS] [PDF]
Zang, Yunliang, Marder, Eve, and Marom, Shimon. (2023) Sodium channel slow inactivation normalizes firing in axons with uneven conductance distributions. Current Biology 33 (9), 1818-1824. e3. doi: [Current Biology] [PDF]
Zang, Yunliang, and Marder, Eve. (2023) Neuronal morphology enhances robustness to perturbations of channel densities. PNAS. 120 (8) e2219049120. doi: [PNAS] [PDF]
Rue, Mara C.P., Alonso, Leandro, and Marder, Eve (2022) Repeated applications of high potassium elicit long-term changes in a motor circuit from the crab, Cancer borealis. iScience. doi: [iScience] [PDF]
Rue, Mara C.P., Baas‐Thomas, Natasha, Iyengar, Priya S., Scaria, Lara K., and Marder, Eve (2022) Localization of chemical synapses and modulatory release sites in the cardiac ganglion of the crab, Cancer borealis. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2022; 1–12 doi: [Journal of Comparative Neurology] [PDF]
Zang, Yunliang and Marder, Eve (2022) Reply to Kotler et al.: Changing ion concentrations in conductance-based models. PNAS. 119 (12) e2121944119. doi: [PNAS] [PDF]
Kedia, Sonal, and Marder, Eve (2022) Blue light responses in Cancer borealis stomatogastric ganglion neurons. Current Biology. doi: [Current Biology] [PDF]
Morozova, Ekaterina O., Newstein, Peter, and Marder, Eve (2022) Reciprocally inhibitory circuits operating with distinct mechanisms are differentially robust to perturbation and modulation. eLife 2022;11:e74363 doi: 10.7554/eLife.74363 [eLife] [PDF]
Gorur-Shandilya, S., Cronin, E.M., Schneider, A., Haddad, S.A., Rosenbaum, P., Bucher, D., Nadim, F., and Marder, E. (2022) Mapping circuit dynamics during function and dysfunction eLife 11:e76579. [eLife] [PDF]
Marder, Eve, and Rue, Mara C.P. (2021) From the Neuroscience of Individual Variability to Climate Change. Journal of Neuroscience. 41 (50) 10213-10221. doi: [Journal of Neuroscience] [PDF]
Powell, D.J., Marder, E., and Nusbaum, M.P. (2021) Perturbation-specific responses by two neural circuits generating similar activity patterns. Current Biology. doi: [Current Biology] [PDF]
Zang, Yunliang and Marder, Eve. (2021) Interactions among diameter, myelination, and the Na/K pump affect axonal resilience to high-frequency spiking. PNAS, 118 (32) e2105795118. PMID: 34353911 doi: 10.1073/pnas.2105795118. [PNAS] [PDF]
Rue, M.C.P., Alonso, L., and Marder, E. (2021) A model of rapid homeostatic plasticity accounts for hidden, long-lasting changes in a neuronal circuit after exposure to high potassium. bioRxiv. doi: [bioRxiv]
Goaillard, J.-M. and Marder, Eve (2021) Ion Channel Degeneracy, Variability, and Covariation in Neuron and Circuit Resilience. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 44:335–57. doi: [Annual Reviews in Neuroscience] [PDF]
Ratliff, J., Franci, A., Marder, E., and O’Leary, T. (2021). Neuronal oscillator robustness to multiple global perturbations. Biophysical Journal, 120(8) 1454-1468, doi: [Biophysical Journal] [PDF]
Powell, D., Haddad, S., Gorur Shandilya, S., and Marder, E. (2021) Coupling between fast and slow oscillator circuits in Cancer borealis is temperature-compensated. eLife, 10:e60454 doi: 10.7554/eLife.60454 [eLife] [PDF]
Gorur-Shandilya, S., Marder, E., and O’Leary, T. (2020) Activity-dependent compensation of cell size is vulnerable to targeted deletion of ion channels. Scientific Reports. 10, 15989 (2020). doi: [Scientific Reports] [PDF]
Alonso, L., and Marder, E. (2020) Temperature compensation in a small rhythmic circuit. eLife, 9:e55470 doi: 10.7554/eLife.55470 [eLife] [PDF]
He, Lily S., Rue, Mara C.P., Morozova, Ekaterina O., Powell, Daniel J., James, Eric J., Kar, Manaswini, and Marder, Eve. (2020) Rapid adaptation to elevated extracellular potassium in the pyloric circuit of the Crab, Cancer borealis. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123:5, 2075-2089. doi: [Journal of Neurophysiology] [PDF]
Ori, H., Hazan, H., Marder, E., and Harom, S. (2020) Dynamic clamp constructed phase diagram for the Hodgkin and Huxley model of excitability. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 117 (7) 3575-3582; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1916514117 [PNAS] [PDF]
Northcutt, A., Kick, D., Otopalik, A., Goetz, B., Harris, R., Santin, J., Hofmann, H., Marder, E., and Schulz, D. (2019) Molecular profiling of single neurons of known identity in two ganglia from the crab Cancer borealis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 52: 26980-26990. doi: [PNAS] [PDF]
Otopalik, A., Lane, B., Schulz, D., and Marder, E. (2019) Innexin expression in electrically coupled motor circuits. Neuroscience Letters. 695: 19-24. doi: [Neuroscience Letters] [PDF]
Kushinsky, D., Morozova, E. and Marder, E. (2019) In vivo recordings of the heart and pyloric rhythms in the crab, Cancer borealis. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222:5. doi: 10.1242/jeb.199190 [Journal of Experimental Biology] [PDF]
Alonso, L., and Marder, E. (2019) Visualization of currents in neural models with similar behavior and different conductance densities. eLife. 8: e42722 doi: 10.7554/eLife.42722 [eLife] [PDF]
Otopalik, Adriane G., Pipkin, Jason, and Eve Marder (2019). Neuronal morphologies built for reliable physiology in a rhythmic motor circuit. eLife. 8:e41728. doi: 10.7554/eLife.41728 [eLife] [PDF]
Haley, J.A., Hampton, D., and Marder, Eve (2018) Two central pattern generators from the crab, Cancer borealis, respond robustly and differentially to extreme extracellular pH. eLife 7:e41877 doi: 10.7554/eLife.41877 [eLife] [PDF]
Ratliff, J, Marder, E., and O’Leary, T. (2018) Neural circuit robustness to acute, global physiological perturbations. [bioRxiv]
Gorur-Shandilya S., Hoyland A., and Marder E. (2018) Xolotl: An Intuitive and Approachable Neuron and Network Simulator for Research and Teaching. Front. Neuroinform. 12:87 doi:10.3389/fninf.2018.00087 [Frontiers in Neuroinformatics] [PDF]
Haddad, S.A. and Marder, E. (2018) Circuit robustness to temperature perturbation is altered by neuromodulators. Neuron. 100:3;609-623. doi: [Neuron] [PDF]
Rosenbaum, P. and Marder, E. (2018) Graded transmission without action potentials sustains rhythmic activity in some but not all modulators that activate the same current. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2632-17. doi: [Journal of Neuroscience] [PDF]
Bronk, P., Kuklin, E.A., Gorur-Shandilya, S., Liu, C., Wiggin, T.D., Marder, E., and Griffith, L.C. (2018) Regulation of Eag by calcium/calmodulin controls presynaptic excitability in Drosophila. J. Neurophysiol., 119: 1665-1680. doi: [Journal of Neurophysiology] [PDF]
Otopalik, A.G., Lane, B., Schulz, D.J. and Marder, E. (2017) lnnexin Expression in electrically coupled motor circuits. Neurosci. Lett., 695; 19-24. doi: [Neuroscience Letters] [PDF]
Nusbaum, M.P., Blitz, D.M., and Marder, E. (2017) Functional consequences of neuropeptide and small molecule co-transmission. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 18: 389-403. [Nature Reviews] [PDF]
Otopalik, A.G., Goeritz, M.L., Sutton, A.C., Brookings, T., Guerini, C., and Marder, E. (2017) Sloppy morphological tuning in identified neurons of the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion. eLife, 6:e22352. PMCID: PMC5323045. doi: 10.7554/eLife.22352 [eLife] [PDF]
Otopalik, A.G., Sutton, A.C., Banghart, M., and Marder, E. (2017) When complex neuronal structures may not matter. eLife, 6:e23508. PMCID: PMC5323043. doi: 10.7554/eLife.23508 [eLife] [PDF]
Marder, E., Gutierrez, G.J., and Nusbaum, M.P. (2017) Complicating connectomes: electrical coupling creates parallel pathways and degenerate circuit mechanisms. Dev. Neurobiol., 77: 597-609. doi: [Developmental Neurobiology] [PDF]
O’Leary, T., and Marder, E. (2016) Temperature-robust neural function from activity-dependent ion channel regulation. Curr. Biol., 26: 2935-2941. PMCID: PMC5111818. doi: [Current Biology] [PDF]
Gjorgjieva, J., Drion, G., and Marder, E. (2016) Computational implications of biophysical diversity and multiple timescales in neurons and synapses for circuit performance. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol, 37: 44-52. doi: [Current Opinion in Neurobiology] [PDF]
Hamood AW, Marder E (2015) Consequences of acute and long-term removal of neuromodulatory input on the episodic gastric rhythm of the crab, Cancer borealis. J Neurophysiol. PMID: 26156388. doi: 10.1152/jn.00536.2015. [Journal of Neurophysiology] [PDF]
Jorgenson LA, Newsome WT, Anderson DJ, Bargmann CI, Brown EN, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Hudson KL, Ling GS, MacLeish PR, Marder, E et al. (2015) The BRAIN Initiative: developing technology to catalyze neuroscience discovery. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 370. PMCID: PMC4387507. doi: [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B] [PDF]
Marder, E., Goeritz, M., and Otopalik, A. (2015) Robust circuit rhythms in small circuits arise from variable circuit components and mechanisms, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 31:156-163. PMCID: PMC4375070. doi: [Current Opinion in Neurobiology] [PDF]
Hamood, A.W. and Marder, E. (2015) Animal-to-animal variability in neuromodulation and circuit function. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 2014; 79: 21-28. [Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology] [PDF]
O’Leary, T., Sutton, A.C. and Marder, E. (2015) Computational models in the age of large datasets. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 32: 87-94. PMCID: PMC4517826. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2015.01.006 [Current Opinion in Neurobiology] [PDF]
Marder, E., Haddad, S.A., Goeritz, M.L., Rosenbaum, P., and Kispersky, T. (2015) How can motor systems retain performance over a wide temperature range? Lessons from the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 201: 851-856. PMCID: PMC4552768. [Journal of Comparative Physiology] [PDF]
Hamood, A.W., Haddad, S.A., Otopalik, A.G., Rosenbaum, P. and Marder, E. (2015) Quantitative reevaluation of the effects of short- and long-term removal of descending modulatory inputs on the pyloric rhythm of the crab Cancer borealis. eNeuro, 2: 1-13. PMCID: PMC4408878. doi: [eNeuro] [PDF]