Primary Literature
The idea is to list any important paper and give a few notes/a short description. Note: Papers can be listed in several categories.
See this website for a collection of STG papers.
Crab Stomatogastric Ganglion (STG)
Kilman VL, Marder E (1996). Ultrastructure of the stomatogastric ganglion neuropil of the crab, Cancer borealis. J Comp Neurol 374:362-375. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Morphology of the crab (Cancer borealis) STG.
Keywords: neuromodulators, neuropil, synaptic profile types, peptidergic dense core vesicles (DCVs), neurohemal-like profiles
Marder E, Bucher D (2007). Understanding circuit dynamics using the stomatogastric ganglion of lobsters and crabs. Annu Rev Physiol, 69:291-316. [Annual Reviews Physiology]
Hamood AW, Haddad SA, Otopalik AG, Rosenbaum P, Marder E (2015). Quantitative reevaluation of the effects of short- and long-term removal of descending modulatory inputs on the pyloric rhythm of the crab, Cancer borealis. eNeuro 2(1): ENEURO.0058-14.2015. [eNeuro]
Bucher D, Taylor AL, Marder E. (2006) Central pattern generating neurons simultaneously express fast and slow rhythmic activities in the stomatogastric ganglion. J Neurophysiol, 95(6):3617-32. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Christie AE, Stein W, Quinlan JE, Beenhakker M, Marder E, Nusbaum MP (2004) Actions of a histaminergic/peptidergic projection neuron on rhythmic motor patterns in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab, Cancer borealis. J Comp Neurol, 469:153-169. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Golowasch J, Abbott LF, Marder E (1999) Activity-dependent regulation of potassium currents in an identified neuron of the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis. J Neurosci 19:RC33. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Central Pattern Generator (CPG)
Marder E, Strick PL. (2007) Motor systems (Editorial overview). Curr Opin Neurobiol, 16(6):601-3. [Current Opinion in Neurobiology]
Marder E, Rehm KJ (2005) Development of central pattern generating circuits. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 15(1):86-93. [Current Opinion in Neurobiology]
Marder E, Bucher D, Schulz DJ, Taylor AL. (2005) Invertebrate Central Pattern Generation Moves along. Curr Biol, 15(17):R685-99. [Current Biology]
Marder E, Bucher D (2001) Central pattern generators and the control of rhythmic movements. Curr Biol 11:R986-996. [Current Biology]
Marder E (2000) Motor pattern generation. Curr Opin Neurobiol 10:691-698. [Current Opinion in Neurobiology]
Bartos M, Manor Y, Nadim F, Marder E, Nusbaum MP (1999) Coordination of fast and slow rhythmic neuronal circuits. J Neurosci 19:6650-6660. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Manor Y, Nadim F, Epstein S, Ritt J, Marder E, Kopell N (1999) Network oscillations generated by balancing graded asymmetric reciprocal inhibition in passive neurons. J Neurosci 19:2765-2779. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Marder E (2001) Moving rhythms. Nature 410:755. [Nature]
Fenelon VS, Kilman V, Meyrand P, Marder E (1999) Sequential developmental acquisition of neuromodulatory inputs to a central pattern-generating network. J Comp Neurol 408:335-351. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Computational Neuroscience
Goldman MS, Golowasch J, Marder E, Abbott LF (2001) Global structure, robustness, and modulation of neuronal models. J Neurosci 21:5229-5238. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Introduces bursting STG model analogous to the AB/PD composite.
The code has been reproduced by Guillaume Drion and Alec Hoyland.
Soto-Trevino C, Rabbah P, Marder E, Nadim F (2005) A computational model of electrically coupled, intrinsically distinct pacemaker neurons. J Neurophysiol, 94(1): 590-604. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
The multi-compartment model that's used for temperature perturbation studies. (Caplan JS et al., 2014)
Models AB and PD.
Drion G, Franci A, Dethier J, Sepulchre R (2015) Dynamic input conductances shape neuronal spiking. eNeuro, 2:e0031-14.2015 [eNeuro]
Uses the dynamic input conductance method (Franci, Drion, and Sepulchre 2014) to replicate the Goldman-Abbott model.
Keywords: DIC, dimensional reduction, sensitivity, voltage-dependent input conductances
Drion G, O'Leary T, Marder E (2015) Ion channel degeneracy enables robust and tunable neuronal firing rates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112:E5361-70. [PNAS]
Explores A-type and calcium currents in linearizing the FI curve (Type I vs Type II)
keywords: FI curve, bifurcation, Type I, Type II, excitability, reduced neuron model
Gjorgjieva J, Drion G, Marder E (2016) Computational implications of biophysical diversity and multiple timescales in neurons and synapses for circuit performance. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 37:44-52. [Current Opinions in Neurobiology]
Prinz AA, Billimoria CP, Marder E (2003) An alternative to hand-tuning conductance-based models: construction and analysis of databases of model neurons. J Neurophysiol 90:3998-4015. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
The original construction of the 20 million model database.
The model is based on Liu et al., 1998.
Prinz AA, Thirumalai V, Marder E (2003) The functional consequences of changes in the strength and duration of synaptic inputs to oscillatory neurons. J Neurosci 23:943-954. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Marder E (2004) Welcome Theory. J Neurophysiol. 91:2389. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Marder E, Rehm KJ (2005) Development of central pattern generating circuits. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 15(1):86-93. [Current Opinion in Neurobiology]
Marder E (2002) Non-mammalian models for studying neural development and function. Nature 417:318-321. [Nature]
Richards KS, Miller WL, Marder E (1999) Maturation of lobster stomatogastric ganglion rhythmic activity. J Neurophysiol 82:2006-2009. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Marder E, Richards KS (1999) Development of the peptidergic modulation of a rhythmic pattern generating network. Brain Res 848:35-44. [Brain Research]
Electrical Coupling
Marder E, Gutierrez G, Nusbaum M (2016). Complicating connectors: Electrical coupling creates parallel pathways and degenerate circuit mechanisms. Dev Neuro. doi: [Developmental Neurobiology]
Roles of electrical coupling in circuit function of the stomatogastric nervous system
Keywords: electrical coupling, stomatogastric nervous system (STNS), circuit flexibility, neuromodulation, circuit diagram, dye-fill, innexin, gap junctions, rectification
Marder E, Goaillard JM. (2006) Variability, compensation and homeostasis in neuron and network function. Nat Rev Neurosci, 7(7):563-74. [Nature]
Schulz DJ, Goaillard JM, Marder E. (2006) Variable channel expression in identified single and electrically coupled neurons in different animals. Nat Neurosci, 9(3):356-62. [Nature Neuroscience]
Bucher D, Prinz AA, Marder E (2005) Animal-to-animal variability in motor pattern production in adults and during growth. J Neurosci, 25:1611-1619. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Prinz AA, Bucher D, Marder E (2004) Similar network activity from disparate circuit parameters. Nature Neurosci, 7:1345-1352. [Nature Neuroscience]
Marder E, Prinz AA (2002) Modeling stability in neuron and network function: the role of activity in homeostasis. Bioessays 24:1145-1154. [BioEssays]
Golowasch J, Goldman MS, Abbott LF, Marder E (2002) Failure of averaging in the construction of a conductance-based neuron model. J Neurophysiol 87:1129-1131. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Golowasch J, Casey M, Abbott LF, Marder E (1999) Network stability from activity-dependent regulation of neuronal conductances. Neural Comput 11:1079-1096. [Neural Computation]
Nadim F, Manor Y, Kopell N, Marder E (1999) Synaptic depression creates a switch that controls the frequency of an oscillatory circuit. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:8206-8211. [PNAS]
Lobster Stomatogastric Ganglion (STG)
Bucher D, Johnson CD, Marder E. (2007) Neuronal morphology and neuropil structure in the stomatogastric ganglion of the lobster, Homarus americanus. J Comp Neurol, 501(2):185-205. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Dickinson PS, Kurland SC, Qu X, Parker BO, Sreekrishnan A, Kwiatkowski MA, Williams AH, Ysasi AB, Christie AE (2015). Distinct or shared sections of peptide family isoforms: II. Multiple pyrokinins exert similar effects in the lobster stomatogastric nervous system. J Exp Biol 218: 2905-17. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Effects of pyrokinin family peptides on lobster (Homarus americanus) STNS and cardiac neuromuscular system
Keywords: lobster cardiac neuromuscular system, lobster stomatogastric nervous system (STNS), pyrokinin peptide family, gastric mill, pyloric, neuromodulation
Neuropeptides: PevPK1, PevPK2, CabPK1, CabPK2, FSPRLamide
Marder E, Bucher D. (2007) Understanding circuit dynamics using the stomatogastric ganglion of lobsters and crabs. Annu Rev Physiol, 69:291-316. [Annual Reviews of Physiology]
Pulver SR, Thirumalai V, Richards KS, Marder E (2003) Dopamine and histamine in the developing stomatogastric system of the lobster, Homarus americanus. J Comp Neurol 462:400-414. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Richards KS, Miller WL, Marder E (1999) Maturation of lobster stomatogastric ganglion rhythmic activity. J Neurophysiol 82:2006-2009. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Richards KS, Simon DJ, Pulver SR, Beltz BS, Marder E (2003) Serotonin in the developing stomatogastric system of the lobster, Homarus americanus. J Neurobiol 54:380-392. [Journal of Neurobiology]
Kilman V, Fenelon VS, Richards KS, Thirumalai V, Meyrand P, Marder E (1999) Sequential developmental acquisition of cotransmitters in identified sensory neurons of the stomatogastric nervous system of the lobsters, Homarus americanus and Homarus gammarus. J Comp Neurol 408:318-334. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Billimoria CP, DiCaprio RA, Birmingham JT, Abbott LF, Marder E (2006) Neuromodulation of spike-timing precision in sensory neurons. J Neurosci, 26(22):5910-9. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Pulver SR, Thirumalai V, Richards KS, Marder E (2003) Dopamine and histamine in the developing stomatogastric system of the lobster, Homarus americanus. J Comp Neurol 462:400-414. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Pulver SR, Marder E (2002) Neuromodulatory complement of the pericardial organs in the embryonic lobster, Homarus americanus. J Comp Neurol 451:79-90. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Marder E, Thirumalai V (2002) Cellular, synaptic and network effects of neuromodulation. Neural Netw 15:479-493. [Neural Networks]
Swensen AM, Marder E (2001) Modulators with convergent cellular actions elicit distinct circuit outputs. J Neurosci 21:4050-4058. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Thirumalai V, Prinz AA, Johnson CD, Marder E. (2006) Red pigment concentrating hormone strongly enhances the strength of the feedback to the pyloric rhythm oscillator but has little effect on pyloric rhythm period. J Neurophysiol, 95(3):1762-70. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Goaillard JM, Schulz DJ, Kilman VL, Marder E (2004) Octopamine modulates the axons of modulatory projection neurons. J Neurosci 24:7063-7073. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Cruz-Bermudez ND, Fu Q, Kutz-Naber KK, Christie AE, Li L, Marder E. (2006) Mass spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of GAHKNYLRFamide, a novel FMRFamide-like peptide from crabs of the genus Cancer. J Neurochem, 97(3):784-99. [Journal of Neurochemistry]
Billimoria CP, Li L, Marder E. (2005) Profiling of neuropeptides released at the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab, Cancer borealis with mass spectrometry. J Neurochem, 95(1):191-199. [Journal of Neurochemistry]
Li L, Kelley WP, Billimoria CP, Christie, AE, Pulver SR, Sweedler JV, Marder E (2003) Mass spectrometric investigation of the neuropeptide complement and release in the pericardial organs of the crab, Cancer borealis. J Neurochem 87:642-656. [Journal of Neurochemistry]
Goaillard JM, Marder E (2003) Exciting guts with GABA. Nature Neurosci 6:1121-1122. [Nature Neuroscience]
Bucher D, Thirumalai V, Marder E (2003) Axonal dopamine receptors activate peripheral spike initiation in a stomatogastric motor neuron. J Neurosci 23:6866-6875. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Thirumalai V, Marder E (2002) Colocalized neuropeptides activate a central pattern generator by acting on different circuit targets. J Neurosci 22:1874-1882. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Nusbaum MP, Blitz DM, Swensen AM, Wood D, Marder E (2001) The roles of co-transmission in neural network modulation. Trends Neurosci 24:146-154. [Trends in Neurosciences]
Gutovitz S, Birmingham JT, Luther JA, Simon DJ, Marder E (2001) GABA enhances transmission at an excitatory glutamatergic synapse. J Neurosci 21:5935-5943. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Swensen AM, Marder E (2000) Multiple peptides converge to activate the same voltage-dependent current in a central pattern-generating circuit. J Neurosci 20:6752-6759. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Richards KS, Marder E (2000) The actions of crustacean cardioactive peptide on adult and developing stomatogastric ganglion motor patterns. J Neurobiol 44:31-44. [Journal of Neurobiology]
Swensen AM, Golowasch J, Christie AE, Coleman MJ, Nusbaum MP, Marder E (2000) GABA and responses to GABA in the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis. J Exp Biol 203 Pt 14:2075-2092. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Blitz DM, Christie AE, Coleman MJ, Norris BJ, Marder E, Nusbaum MP (1999) Different proctolin neurons elicit distinct motor patterns from a multifunctional neuronal network. J Neurosci 19:5449-5463. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Li L, Pulver SR, Kelley WP, Thirumalai V, Sweedler JV, Marder E (2002) Orcokinin peptides in developing and adult crustacean stomatogastric nervous systems and pericardial organs. J Comp Neurol 444:227-244. [Journal of Comparative Neurology]
Pulver SR, Bucher D, Simon DJ, Marder E (2005) Constant amplitude of postsynaptic responses for single presynaptic action potentials but not bursting input during growth of an identified neuromuscular junction in the lobster, Homarus americanus. J Neurobiol, 62:47-61. [Journal of Neurobiology]
Luther JA, Robie AA, Yarotsky J, Reina C, Marder E, Golowasch J (2003) Episodic Bouts of Activity Accompany Recovery of Rhythmic Output by a Neuromodulator-and Activity-Deprived Adult Neural Network. J Neurophysiol 90:2720-2730. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Marder E (1999) Neural signalling: Does colocalization imply cotransmission? Curr Biol 9:R809-811. [Current Biology]
Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)
Dudel J (1965). Facilitatory effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the crayfish neuromuscular junction. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie 249(6):515-28. [Springer]
Glusman S, Kravitz EA (1982). The action of serotonin on excitatory nerve terminals in lobster nerve-muscle preparations. J Physiol 325(1):223-241. [The Journal of Physiology]
Hamilton JL, Edwards CR, Holt SR, Worden MK (2007). Temperature-dependent modulation of lobster neuromuscular properties by serotonin. J Exp Biol 210(6):1025-35. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Jorge-Rivera JC, Marder E (1996). TNRNFLRFamide and SDRNFLRFamide modulate muscles of the stomatogastric system of the crab Cancer borealis. J Comp Physiol A 179:741-7:51. [Journal of Comparative Physiology]
Effects of two peptide hormones on nerve-evoked contractions of stomatogastric musculature
Keywords: neurohormones, excitatory junction potentials (EJPs), nerve-evoked contractions, excitatory junctional currents (EJCs), myogenic activity
Neuromodulators: TNRNFLRFamide, SDRNFLRFamide
Jorge-Rivera JC, Marder E (1997). Allatostatin decreases stomatogastric neuromuscular transmission in the crab Cancer borealis. J Exp Biol 200(23):2937-46. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Jorge-Rivera JC, Sen K, Birmingham JT, Abbott LF, Marder E (1998) Temporal dynamics of convergent modulation at a crustacean neuromuscular junction. J Neurophysiol 80(5):2559-70. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Effects of neuromodulators and stimulus frequency on the amplitude of contractions of gm4 and on amplitude and facilitation of EJPs of gm4/gm6
Keywords: gastric mill 4 (gm4) muscle, gastric mill (gm6) muscle, crab (Cancer borealis), nerve-evoked contractions, nerve-evoked excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs), stimulus frequency, amplitude, facilitation, neurohormones
Neuromodulators: serotonin, dopamine, octopamine, proctolin, red pigment concentrating hormone, crustacean cardioactive peptide, TNRNFLRFamide, SDRNFLRFamide, D-allatostatin-3, histamine
Katz PS, Kirk MD, Govind CK (1993). Facilitation and depression at different branches of the same motor axon: Evidence for presynaptic differences in release. J Neurosci, 13(7):3075-89. [Journal of Neuroscience]
Effect of differences in presynaptic terminals of MG on activity-dependent facilitation and depression in gm8b and gm9
Keywords: lobster (Homarus americanus), gastric mill 8b (gm8b), gastric mill 9 (gm9), medial gastric (MG) motor neuron, excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs), facilitation, depression, presynaptic, postsynaptic, facilitation index (Fi), electron microscopy
Chemicals: low-Ca2+ saline, high-Mg2+ saline, glutamate antagonist Joro spider toxin JSTX-3, high-glutamate saline, calcium-activated potassium channel blockers (apamin, charbybdotoxin)
Marder E, and Calabrese RL (1996). Principles of rhythmic motor pattern generation. Physiol Reviews 76(3):687-718. [Physiological Reviews]
Marder E, Haddad SA, Goeritz ML, Rosenbaum P, Kispersky T (2014). How can motor systems retain performance over a wide temperature range? Lessons from the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system. J Comp Physiol A 1-6. [Journal of Comparative Physiology]
Maynard DM, Dando MR (1974). The structure of the stomatogastric neuromuscular system in Callinectes sapidus, Homarus americanus, and Panulirus argus (Decapoda Crustacea). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268(892):161-220. [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B]
Skerrett M, Peaire A, Quigley P, and Mercier A (1995). Physiological effects of two FMRFamide-related peptides from the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. J Exp Biol 198(1):109-16. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Stein W, Smarandache CR, Nickmann M, Hedrich, UB (2006). Functional consequences of activity-dependent synaptic enhancement at a crustacean neuromuscular junction. J Exp Biol 209(7):1285-300. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Effect of stimulation of LG on facilitation and augmentation of EJPs and force production of gm6
Keywords: excitatory junction potentials (EJPs), gastric mill 6 (gm6), crab (Cancer pagarus), facilitation, augmentation, lateral gastric motor neuron (LG)
Stephens PJ, Atwood HL (1982). Thermal acclimation in a crustacean neuromuscular system. J Exp Biol 98(1):39-47. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Suljak SW, Rose CM, Sabatier C, Le T, Trieu Q, Verley DR, Birmingham JT (2010). Enhancement of muscle contraction in the stomach of the crab Cancer borealis: a possible hormonal role for GABA.Biological Bulletin 218(3):293-302. [The Biological Bulletin]
Wallis DI, Woodward B (1974). The Facilitory actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine and bradykinin in the superior cervical ganglion of the rabbit. British J Pharmacol 51(4):521-31. [British Journal of Pharmacology]
Weimann JM, Marder E, Evans B, Calabrese RL (1993). The effects of SDRNFLRFamide and TNRNFLRFamide on the motor patterns of the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis. J Exp Biol 181(1):1-26. [Journal of Experimental Biology]
Worden MK, Bykhovskaia M, Hackett JT (1997). Facilitation at the lobster neuromuscular junction: A Stimulus-dependent mobilization model. J Neurophysiol 78(1):417-28. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Birmingham JT, Szuts ZB, Abbott LF, Marder E (1999) Encoding of muscle movement on two time scales by a sensory neuron that switches between spiking and bursting modes. J Neurophysiol 82:2786-2797. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Birmingham JT, Billimoria CP, DeKlotz TR, Stewart RA, Marder E (2003) Differential and history-dependent modulation of a stretch receptor in the stomatogastric system of the crab, Cancer borealis. J Neurophysiol 90: 3608 - 3616. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Beg AA, Ernstrom GG, Nix P, Davis MW, Jorgensen EM (2008). Protons act as a transmitter for muscle contraction in C. elegans. Cell 132(1):149-60. [Cell]
Keywords: C. elegans
Chester M (2003). Regulation and modulation of pH in the brain. Physiol Rev 83(4):1183-221. [Physiological Reviews]
Courtney KR (1979). Extracellular pH selectivity modulates recovery from sodium inactivation in frog myelinated nerve. J. Biophys. 28:363-368. [Biophysical Journal]
Hodgkin-Huxley kinetic parameters of sodium channel inactivation were measured as a function of membrane potential and external pH
Keywords: Hodgkin-Huxley, kinetics, αh, βh, external pH, sodium channel inactivation
Grahame DC (1947). The electrical double layer and the theory of electrocapillarity. Chem Rev 41:441-501. [American Chemical Society]
Hille B (1968). Charges and potentials at the nerve surface: Divalent ions and pH. J. Gen. Physiol. 51:221-236. [Journal of General Physiology]
Effects of changes in calcium, nickel, and hydrogen ion concentration on channel conductances
Keywords: Ca, Ni, H, voltage clamp, myelinated nerve fibers, Hodgkin-Huxley
McRory JE, Doering CJ (2007). Effects of extracellular pH on neuronal calcium channel activation. Neuroscience 146(3):1032-43. [Neuroscience]
Effects of extracellular pH on slope various activation parameters of nine neuronal voltage-gated calcium channels expressed in tsA-201 cells
Keywords: voltage-gated calcium channels, extracellular pH (pHo), slope factor (S), half-activation potential (Va), reversal potential (Erev), maximum slope conductance (Gmax), TTX
Niemeyer MI, Cid LP, Yusef YR, Briones R, Sepúlveda FV (2009). Voltage-dependent and independent titration of specific residues accounts for complex gating of a ClC chloride channel by extracellular protons. J Physiol 587(7):1387-400. [The Journal of Physiology]
Roos A, Boron WF (1981). Intracellular pH. Physiol Rev 61(2):296-434. [Physiological Reviews]
Sandoval M, Burgos J, Sepúlveda FV, Cid LP (2011). Extracellular pH in restricted domains as a gating signal for ion channels involved in transepithelial transport. Biol Pharm Bull 34(6):803-9. [Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin]
Keywords: intracellular pH (pHi), extracellular pH (pHo), ClC-2 chloride channel
Tombaugh GC, Somjen GG (1996). Effects of extracellular pH on voltage-gated Na+, K+ and Ca2+ currents in isolated rat CA1 neurons. J Physiol 493(3):719-32. [The Journal of Physiology]
Effects of extracellular pH on voltage-gated sodium, potassium, and calcium currents in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal CA1 neurons
Keywords: extracellular pH (pHo), voltage-gated sodium channel, voltage-gated potassium channel, voltage-gated calcium channel, TTX
Wanke E, Testa PL, Prestipino G, Carbone E (1983). High intracellular pH reversibly prevents gating-charge immobilization in squid axons. J. Biophys. 44:281-284. [Biophysical Journal]
Squid giant axons were used to study the reversible effects of high intracellular pH on gating currents
Keywords: intracellular pH (pHi), squid giant axon, Na channels, channel closing (Qoff), channel opening (Qon), gating-charge immobilization, inward gating currents (IgOFF), outward gating currents (IgON)
Woodhull AM (1973). Ionic blockage of sodium channels in nerve. J Gen Physiol 61(6):687-708. [Journal of General Physiology]
Zhou W, Jones SW (1996). The effects of external pH on calcium channel currents in bullfrog sympathetic neurons. Biophys J 70(3):1326-34. [Biophysical Journal]
Effects of external pH on whole-cell calcium channel currents in bullfrog sympathetic neurons
Keywords: external pH (pHo), intracellular pH (pHi), calcium channel currents, channel conductance, tail currents, inward current
Destexhe A, Marder E (2004) Plasticity in single neuron and circuit computations. Nature, 431:789-795. [Nature]
Soto-Trevino C, Thoroughman KA, Marder E, Abbott LF (2001) Activity-dependent modification of inhibitory synapses in models of rhythmic neural networks. Nat Neurosci 4:297-303. [Nature Neuroscience]
Pantin, C. F. A. Notes on Microscopical Technique for Zoologists. Cambridge University Press, 1964. [Science]
Prinz AA, Abbott LF, Marder E (2004) The dynamic clamp comes of age. Trends Neurosci 27:218-224. [Trends in Neuroscience]
Goaillard JM, Marder E. (2006) Dynamic clamp analyses of cardiac, endocrine, and neural function. Physiology (Bethesda), 21:197-207. [Journal of Physiology]
Prinz AA, Billimoria CP, Marder E (2003) An alternative to hand-tuning conductance-based models: construction and analysis of databases of model neurons. J Neurophysiol 90:3998-4015. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Taylor AL, Hickey TJ, Prinz AA, Marder E. (2006) Structure and visualization of high-dimensional conductance spaces. J Neurophysiol, 96(2):891-905. [Journal of Neurophysiology]
Cruz-Bermudez ND, Fu Q, Kutz-Naber KK, Christie AE, Li L, Marder E. (2006) Mass spectrometric characterization and physiological actions of GAHKNYLRFamide, a novel FMRFamide-like peptide from crabs of the genus Cancer. J Neurochem, 97(3):784-99. [Journal of Neurochemistry]
Billimoria CP, Li L, Marder E. (2005) Profiling of neuropeptides released at the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab, Cancer borealis with mass spectrometry. J Neurochem, 95(1):191-199. [Journal of Neurochemistry]
Li L, Kelley WP, Billimoria CP, Christie, AE, Pulver SR, Sweedler JV, Marder E (2003) Mass spectrometric investigation of the neuropeptide complement and release in the pericardial organs of the crab, Cancer borealis. J Neurochem 87:642-656. [Journal of Neurochemistry]
Isolated Pulse Stimulator (A-M Systems Model 2100) [Manual]
Johnson BR, Hauptman SA, Bonow RH (2007) Construction of a simple suction electrode for extracellular recording and stimulation. J Undergrad Neurosci Educ 6(1): A21-26. [PubMed]
Electrophysiology Patch-Clamp Equipment: The Very Basics
Clampex - User Guide for Setting Up Clampex for Data Acquisition [PDF]
Tang LS, Goeritz ML, Caplan JS, Taylor AL, Fisk M, Marder E (2010). Precise temperature compensation of phase in a rhythmic motor pattern. PLoS Biology 8(8):e1000469. [PLoS Biology]
Effects of temperature on pyloric rhythm of the stomatogastric ganglion; Effects of temperature in computational models of a bursting neuron and LP neuron
Keywords: stomatogastric ganglion (STG), crab (Cancer borealis), temperature, pyloric rhythm, phase relationships, frequency, Q10, computational model