Computational Basics

GitHub & GitLab

The Marder Lab has a GitHub and GitLab. Sign up for a GitHub account if you haven't already, and tell the Lab Manager to add your account to the Marder Lab GitLab organization. 

Organizing code

Some guidelines:

While our lab is all about open code and reproducible results, don't push work in progress to a publicly accessible git repository. Use a private repository on the Marder Lab GitLab instead. That's what it's for, and it serves as a central place for code exchange among current lab members. 

Writing Code

Misc. Resources

[marder@chaos ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu

The -S flag syncs the database and the -yu flag updates automatically with the "yes to all" option. You can search to see if a package is installed using:

[marder@chaos ~]$ sudo pacman -Qs STRING1 STRING2 ...

and to see if it is in the Pacman database through:

[marder@chaos ~]$ sudo pacman -Ss STRING1 STRING2 ...

Running Code


Brandeis licenses a great deal of useful software to its students and researchers. The complete list can be found through Information Technology Services. In addition, Brandeis provides hardware and protocols to access a high-performance computing cluster.

MATLAB & Mathematica

MATLAB and Mathematica are both available from LTS. There is a student version for undergraduates and graduate students and a "staff/faculty" version for the rest. This does not affect the actual software, but the permissions Brandeis has purchased to license the software to you. Follow our MATLAB Installation Guide to get started.


Xolotl is a fast single-compartment and multi-compartment simulator written in C++ with MATLAB wrappers. It simulates conductance-based models.