Fresh Water Aquariums

In May 2023 we acquired seven well-established crayfish colonies from the Barbara Beltz lab at Wellesley College. 

Because P. clarkii and P. acutus are more aggressive, they are separated by size and can be moved around as necessary as they grow and as new ones are born.

Tier aquariums

Fed: MWF - Aqueon pellets and carrots on F

Water changes: monthly

Filter changes: Tier 1 - every 3 months, Tier 2&3 - monthly

Water testing: weekly

UV bulb changes: every 6 months or as needed

Tier 1 - Procambarus clarkii (small to medium)

Tier 2 & 3 - Procambarus acutus (Tier 2 small to medium, Tier 3 large)

Trough aquariums

Fed: MWF - Aqueon pellets and carrots on F

Water changes: monthly

Filter changes: every 3 months

Water testing: weekly

UV bulb changes: every 6 months or as needed

Trough A - Procambarus clarkii (large)

Trough B - Procambarus clarkii (large)

Tank aquariums

Fed: MWF - Aqueon pellets and carrots on F

Water changes: monthly

Filter changes: weekly

Water testing: weekly

Tank 1 - Procambarus virginalis

Tank 2 - Procambarus virginalis


SOP Marbled Crayfish.docx
SOP Procambarus sp. Crayfish L370.docx

Crayfish tracking sheet

Crayfish tracking.xlsx