Modulators & Toxins
General Info
Most modulators and toxins are kept in Drawers 37 & 38 (A, B, C, and D), the -20C freezer, or the fridge (next to the -20 freezer) in the main lab.
Please date any new container of modulator and be wary of bottles that are not labeled, but look a little old. (Consult Eve before disposing of these containers)
Read relevant literature to determine optimal starting concentrations.
Use the balance by the Millipore water jug to measure small masses of the modulator.
Please use the brush to clean off any spilled compound.
Some temperature and light-sensitive stock solutions of toxins (PTX, TTX + sucrose, etc.) and neuromodulators are kept in the black locking fridge in the Dissection Room, under the sink.
If it's helpful here is a Molarity Calculator.
Most graduate students and post-docs know how to dissolve TTX powder. Do NOT make TTX solutions without the supervision/permission of these people or Eve.
Making 10-7M TTX + sucrose for decentralization, etc.:
In a 1ml Eppendorf tube, add and mix. You may also want to vortex it for a second or two, at the vortex on the Immunohistochemistry bench.
1ml (or 0.999ml) of 750mM sucrose.
1μl TTX 10-4M solution (usually prepared in a 10-4M solution in a 15ml tube wrapped with aluminum foil, and can be found in the locking toxins fridge).
Most graduate students and post-docs know how to dissolve PTX powder. Do NOT make PTX solutions without the supervision/permission of these people or Eve.
Add 60.3mg picrotoxin/100 ml Cancer saline into a 100 ml bottle.
Stir while moderately heating the solution to improve solubility.
Parafilm the bottle while stirring.
If you are making 10-5M PTX saline to isolate the pacemaker in your experiments:
Use the pre-made stock solution of 10-3M PTX in the black locking fridge and dilute by a factor of 100.
Then mix it to ensure the PTX gets homogenized.
Ex. To make 500 ml of saline with 10-5M PTX → add 5 ml 10-3M PTX to 495 ml saline and mix it a bit.
Concentration Table
The amount of modulator to add to a given volume of saline can easily be calculated using this handy Excel file (slightly modified from Anne-Elise Tobin's version).