MATLAB Installation Guide
Linux Base Install
This guide goes through how you would install MATLAB on a Linux Operating System. You should have some sort of knowledge of how to use the terminal.
There is also an equivalent video tutorial in our common folder on the fileshare.
Go to Mathworks and download the Linux file.
Unzip the downloaded file:
Put it in a folder. For example, Downloads/matlab_install
Run: unzip -X -K filename
Run ./install inside the folder you just unzipped. Follow the steps shown on the graphical user interface.
License tab: You can sign in to your personal license for now.
Destination tab: We want per account basis, so change the directory to a user directory, for example, /home/yourusername/MATLAB/R2022a
This means you will have to create MATLAB and R2022a folders beforehand.
Products to install tab: Select everything
Options tab:
Select the create symbolic links option.
Create a folder called bin in your home directory.
Point the symbolic link to that bin folder on the installer.
Finish the installation
One of the easiest ways to add to the path is to update the .bashrc file.
First cd to your home directory
Type nano .bashrc and we are now using the nano editor to edit the file. You are welcome to use other text editors but this is one of the easier ways to do it in the terminal.
Use arrow keys to navigate to the bottom of the file and add the following line:
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
To save, press control+o and then enter.
To exit, press control+x.
Add MATLAB to desktop applications
GNOME desktop environment
Create a MATLAB.desktop file under ~/.local/share/applications with the following content
[Desktop Entry]
KDE desktop environment
Right-click on the start button, and click "Edit Applications".
Add a new item:
Under command, type matlab.
In the Advanced tab, check run in terminal.
Update the MATLAB icon, where the MATLAB icon can be found under your_matlab_path/bin/glnxa64/cef_resources/matlab_icon.png
Go to the Crabsort GitHub and follow the git clone steps.
You can clone it under ~/MATLAB/ExternalLib
Open MATLAB, and click on "Set Path" under Home.
"Add with Subfolders" and add the 3 folders to it.
Run crabsort in MATLAB console, and it should ask you to setpref for the spike data. You can create ~/MATLAB/spikes.
setpref('crabsort', 'stores_spikes_here', 'some_place')
Run crabsort again to see if it is working.
You can install it through the add-on store.
These files should be under the common folder inside our fileshare. Put them under a folder in ~/MATLAB and add paths to them in MATLAB.