Fashion Trends

As we were interviewing some 8th grade girls they talked about some of the trends they follow, why they follow them, how they found out about the trends that they follow, and what they think is the most popular trend. Our first interviewee, who is anonymous, wishes that she would follow the Adidas trend because they look very comfy and they can go with almost anything. Our other interviewee wishes that she would follow the Patagonia trend because they are comfy but it still looks good with many different things. The last interviewee says that Stranger Things is a trend she wants to follow because it's definitely a show she'd want to start watching. She said that she's always loved shows with a vintage feel. Another question we asked was 'what trends do you follow' the first two interviewer's had different yet similar answers. The first girl said she follows Converse, Sweatshirts, and Netflix trends. Our second interviewer answered Adidas, Converse, Patagonia, and Netflix trends. The final interviewee's answer was Patagonia, Nike Clothing, Pink Clothing, Crewnecks, Vintage Clothes, Birkenstocks, Netflix, Hulu, and Riverdale. These are just a few questions we asked the girls and you can see how they follow some of the same trends. Although it's fun to follow trends and be noticed, something you should remember is you yourself can always be the trend setter and have everyone follow some of the things you think are cool and interesting.

Written by: Waynesha W.

We then conducted a survey on a few 8th Grade classes. From analyzing the survey, we found that the most popular trends for fashion were sweatshirts in general. There were a few close runner ups, including Patagonia and Nike clothing. We noticed that the top selections from students were the clothes that were very comfy, but also cute and popular.

After that, we asked our peers what shoes they thought were the trendiest. All of the results were within three votes of each other but the winner was Birkenstocks. We think that these came out on top because you can wear them all year long, in the summer with bare feet, and in the winter with socks. They are also very comfortable because they form to your feet and come in many styles. The other options were Crocs and Dude Shoes, which were both very popular.

Written by: Mariah C.

We asked Reno Ogden, an 8th grader at Horizon Middle School, about our schools most popular trends based on a list that included both fashion as well as entertainment. He stated that, though he doesn’t follow a lot of trends most of them are very recognizable. He also provided us with what trends he likes to follow and it included things such as Nike shoes as well as Nike clothing. Some of the trends that Reno feels are the most popular include shoes of a higher cost and scrunchies for girls. He states, "every girl has them on her wrist or in her hair". Reno goes with his own style and doesn’t really follow a lot of trends, he wants to be different. He also believes that some of the trends that people follow don’t make sense such as the memes, it doesn't mean he likes people less and it doesn’t mean he likes the trends less. He just doesn’t prefer to follow them as they don’t make a lot of sense to him. Reno would rather be comfortable than the same as everyone else. In conclusion Reno knows about many school trends but prefers not to follow them as he has his own style.

Written by: Megan H.