Scary Story #2

Jesse Hetletved, the one writing this specific interview, interviewed Peyton Sitter and asked her about one of her scariest moments in an extracurricular activity she's involved in, which are choir, Husky Singers, Student Council, Husky Ambassadors, and yearbook.

1) What was one of your scariest moments in an extracurricular activity? What extracurricular activity was it?

“I haven’t had any ‘scary moments’ but once I walked into Husky Singers 15 minutes late and that was the ‘scariest moment’ because everyone was staring at me."

2) How scared were you on a scale of 1-10?

“I would say maybe a 6.”

3) How does the incident affect you to this day?

“I don’t think it affects much but I can tell you I’ll never make that mistake again.”

4) Do you often think back to the incident? Would you ever prevent it from happening if given the chance?

“I don’t think I would change it because it taught me never be late, be on time for things you have committed to because you miss things that the others did and you have to talk to someone to find what you missed.”

5) What have you done to make sure you aren't as scared when that happens again?

“I prevent it from happening by setting an alarm early enough to make sure I can eat take a shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast, before I get to Husky Singers.”