Miss America

Just a regular student that went on to do extraordinary things. Cara Mund also known as Miss America started out as a proud husky, like you and me. We got the exclusive chance to sit down with Mund and ask her a few questions. At the age of 5 years old, Mund had the opportunity to be a pageant page for her cousin. “I wanted to take that crown, “I did not want to give it up”. A year later, she met her first Miss North Dakota, and discovered her big dream of becoming one too. Because she was shy when first starting out, it took a couple of years for her to learn how to publicly speak. The following years, she kept on pursuing her dream of becoming Miss North Dakota. One thing we asked Mund was “If you could change anything about your middle school self, what would it be?”. After a couple seconds of thinking, she replied by saying that she wouldn’t really want to change anything because it helped shape the person that she is today. After high school, she ran for Miss North Dakota. She kept trying multiple times, and on the 4th try, she won.This brings her onto the path to becoming Miss America.

When she went to the Miss America pageant, Mund said: “Just because I was from small North Dakota, people were underestimating me.” Mund went on to say that they wanted her to change everything that she planned on wearing, and doing in the pageant. But Mund stuck strong with her choices and showed everyone that just because you are from a small state does not mean you can't accomplish big dreams. As you can see, she made the right decision because she ended up winning and becoming the 2018 Miss America.

Now Mund spends most of her days in different states talking to people about her platform-she travels about every 48 hours. Mund’s personal platform is “Make A Wish Passion With Fashion” but now her Miss America platform is Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. She started her own platform because she had a classmate that had cancer and wanted to make her wish come true, so she started the community fashion show that still goes on today. With Mund’s Miss America platform she spends time with the children and promotes the hostiples. She said that some of her favorite parts so far of being Miss America have been having a float in the Macy’s Day Parade, ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange, and visiting kids that are in the hospital.

Written by: Chloe B, Delani C, and Mikella K, Andrew D