Classroom Help Board

Step 4: see the tools.

Train your students to help each other - while you facilitate the discussion. Created and hosted in an online discussion board, a classroom help board allows students to post questions throughout a given week or for the duration of a particular academic unit. Fellow learners give helpful tips and provide links to beneficial resources. You monitor the discussion to ensure all questions are answered correctly in a timely manner.

Possible Tools

Need help? BISD's Learning Technologies Department is happy to help you learn any of the tools listed below. Feel free to schedule an appointment with the LT Coach assigned to your campus today. Or, if you prefer to explore on your own, check out the resources and how-to materials assembled here.

Step 5: Click a Dimension to review possible considerations.

A classroom help board can be utilized within several T-TESS Dimensions. Please select a dimension below to view possible considerations when integrating one in your classroom:

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