Dimension 3.2

Step 3: Review the "Distinguished" scale on the Rubric. 

Then . . .

. . . Select an Instructional Resource for Teachers:

Note: Utilizing a particular resource does not indicate Dimension 3.2 is being addressed. The administrator must examine the level of rigor at which the technology is incorporated.

Digital citizenship encompasses a wide range of online topics - from copyright issues, username/password confidentiality, and cyberbullying prevention to digital etiquette, digital literacy, and online safety/security. 

Also known as learning stations, learning centers offer numerous benefits - from giving students voice and choice in the ways assignments are completed to maximizing classroom productivity. A teaching technique that hits all 16 dimensions of T-TESS, centers are perfect for interest-based, skill-level-centered, learning-style-focused, and collaborative-group assignments. In addition, they can be incorporated into elementary, middle-school, and high school classrooms.

Using Google Forms, you can create a hall pass the can be checked out and checked back in online. Best of all, you get a time/date stamp of when the student leaves and when the child returns - along with the reason for the student's departure. Those data points come in handy during conferences with parents and administrators.

Give students a voice in daily classroom housekeeping procedures, class rules, and even discipline procedures. Create a Google form or a discussion in Google Classroom, and let the suggestions roll.

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