Online Hall Pass

Step 4: see the tools.

Using Google Forms and the nifty Google add-on Check It Out, you can create a hall pass the can be checked out and checked back in online. Best of all, you get a time/date stamp of when the student leaves and when the child returns - along with the reason for the student's departure. Those data points come in handy during conferences with parents and administrators.

Possible Tools

Need help? BISD's Learning Technologies Department is happy to help you learn any of the tools listed below. Feel free to schedule an appointment with the LT Coach assigned to your campus today. Or, if you prefer to explore on your own, check out the resources and how-to materials assembled here.

Google Form Add On:

Step 5: Click a Dimension to review possible considerations.

Online hall passes can be utilized within several T-TESS Dimensions. Please select a dimension below to view possible considerations when utilizing them in your class:

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