Career Academies Endorsement

BCCHS Career Academies Endorsement

BCCHS Scholars have the opportunity to earn a Career Academies endorsement in recognition of the skills and knowledge developed by students who fully engage with BCCHS Career Academies.

Students who do not complete these components will still be eligible to graduate, but will not receive the additional recognition.

What are the requirements to complete the four components?

The Career Academies Endorsement Overview includes a full breakdown of each component and what students have to do to complete the component.

Which students can earn a BCCHS Career Academies endorsement?

Starting with the Class of 2022, all BCCHS students can earn a Career Academies endorsement. We have reduced requirements for earning an endorsement for the class of 2022 and 2023 in recognition of pandemic-related programming limitations. Please see the Career Academies Endorsement Overview for a full breakdown.

How can we tell if a student is on track to earn an endorsement?

  1. Students work on their Digital Portfolio every year. Portfolios will be evaluated for completion during their Senior Year.

  2. Students’ participation in Career Academies student experiences will be tracked on Skyward.

  3. Students complete internships during their Junior or Senior year at BCCHS.

  4. Contact your student's counselor to verify their GPA in pathway-related courses

What if I have further questions regarding the Career Academies endorsement?

Please contact the Career Coach, Jon Bartik at or your counselor with any questions regarding the endorsement.