Early Years & Foundation Stage

EYFS Curriculum Vision Statement

What is EYFS?

The Early Years & Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children from birth to the end of their reception year. It is based on four overarching principles:

At Barlby Bridge we have a Nursery which offers places from 9.00am-3.00pm and there is one Qualified Teacher and one Advanced Teaching Assistant here. We also have one Reception Class with one Qualified Teacher and one General Teaching Assistant. In addition to this we have support staff who also work within the classes and provide extra support and intervention where needed.

This Early Years Policy includes the following:

Aims and Principles

Planning and organising the curriculum

There are seven areas of learning and development outlined in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) that provide a guide for planning, teaching and assessing in early years settings. Our curriculum uses Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage as guidance to meet the requirements set out in the statutory framework. Our curriculum is unique to our children. It is planned through a series of themes that reflect and respond to the children’s needs, interests, prior experiences and stages of development across the seven areas of learning, offering experiences in all areas of the curriculum and which carry equal importance to provide a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for play and child- initiated activities. It ensures that children are provided with a range of rich, meaningful first hand experiences in which children can explore, think creatively and are active and ensure that each child has the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in every area of the EYFS. Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful activities and through a mix of adult led and child initiated learning.

All children will receive quality first teaching on a daily basis and activities will be adapted accordingly. In addition to this, where children have been identified as having a specific need, intervention programmes, activities and support will be implemented. Teachers and Teaching Assistants plan programmes together and where needed with liaison with the Special Needs Co-ordinator. (Please refer to the ‘Special Needs Policy’ for greater detail). The needs of children with English as an additional language will be met through planning, support from outside school and working closely with parents.

There are three prime areas within the EYFS:

There are also four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied:

Classroom Organisation and Resources

The organisation of the classrooms reflects the importance that is placed on children learning through play and first-hand experience, developing independence and having opportunities to initiate their own activities.

The Nursery and Reception classrooms provide the following areas:

Assessment, Recording and Reporting

Health and Safety and Safeguarding 

Children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and when they have positive relationships with the adults caring for them. We follow the safeguarding and welfare requirements detailed in the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ statutory guidance and adhere to the school’s safeguarding policy. We are a healthy school and participate in the free fruit and milk for under-fives scheme. For our Nursery and Reception children we provide the universal infant free school meal and the menu is regularly monitored with the chef and shared with the children daily. We cater for those children who have special dietary requirements and have robust systems in place ensuring that all children receive the correct meal. Fresh water is readily available for all children and we encourage children to bring in water bottles with water only. Children are taught the importance of keeping clean, washing their hands and brushing their teeth correctly.


Involving Parents

Parents/carers are the child’s first and most enduring educators. When parents/carers and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on the child’s development. A successful partnership needs to be a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise. We aim to develop this by:

The following websites can provide further information and support on the Early Years & Foundation Stage.

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