Religious Education

At Barlby Bridge Community Primary School we recognise the importance of pupils having an understanding and tolerance of different religions. The North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus 2019-2024 provides us with clear guidelines and aspects of each religion to cover. Over the course of a pupil’s time at our school they will learn about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism, as well as making links to other festivals and celebrations. Children will be taught RE through a range of methods including visits to places of worship, visitors to school and hands on experiences to enhance their learning. We believe it is vital that our pupils are given the opportunity to learn about, enquire, investigate and question different religions to give them a broad and balanced view of the religions of our community and world.

Continuity and Progression

Our long term plan ensures continuity across the school for our pupils and their RE learning. What children learn in Early Years will be consolidated and developed within Key Stage 1 and again in Key Stage 2 pupils will continue to develop on what they have learnt in Key Stage 1. Pupils are able to develop their learning as they study the same and new religious each year to ensure they gain greater depth learning on key religions.

In Early Years children will focus on themselves and what makes them special and unique, they will also look at special places and some special festivals for example Diwali, Easter and Christmas. They will learn about the Easter and Christmas stories and what this means to them.

In Key Stage 1 pupils will continue looking at Christianity and also begin learning about Islam. They will recap and learn more about important times and stories for these religions. They will also look at sacred placed and books and what we can learn from them.

In Key stage 2 pupils will continue learning in greater depth about Christianity and Islam but will also begin learning about Hinduism and Judaism. They will continue to look at scared places and books and why they are important to different religions. They will also look at different views about God and important festivals.

Our RE Curriculum Vision


At Barlby Bridge Primary School our RE teaching offers opportunities to:

· Build on pupils curiosity of the world around them

· Build on pupils interest of people in our community and further afield

· Develop pupils interest in religions and an appreciation that everybody is different and has different beliefs and views

· Use a range of teaching methods, questioning and hands on activities to give pupils a greater understanding of religion

· Introduce pupils to key vocabulary in different Religions

· Develop pupils thinking skills and ability to form coherent arguments and views

· Extend the learning environment for our pupils via visits to places of worship and visitors in school


Teachers create a positive attitude to RE learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards. Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of RE involves the following:

· Children will be given the opportunity to become independent and inquisitive learners through a range of teaching methods aimed to support pupils thinking and expressing skills. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions supporting the curiosity that pupils have in the people within our community and the world around us.

· Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual knowledge and skills, and assess children regularly to identify those children with gaps in learning, so that all children keep up.

· RE will be taught according to the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus, children will take part in an RE session each week. Planning will follow the school long term plan to ensure continuity and progression and support the acquisition of a greater depth of knowledge. Staff will ensure that previous knowledge is recapped and developed further to ensure greater depth of learning and understanding.

· Pupils will be given the opportunity to visit places of worship and have visitors come into school to enhance their learning experiences and consolidate learning.

· Children will be given the opportunity to share their views and questions the beliefs of religions to gain a better understanding and tolerance of other religions.


The RE curriculum at Barlby Bridge Community Primary school is engaging, fun and exciting and supports pupils knowledge and understanding of the world. There is progression and continuity throughout each year group which can be seen in the pupils learning.

· To develop pupils enjoyment and interest in religions and an appreciation of its contribution to all aspects of everyday life.

· To secure knowledge specified within the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus.

· To encourage pupils to relate their religious knowledge to the world around them

· To build on pupils curiosity of people in our community and the world

· To introduce pupils to the language and key vocabulary of different religions.

· Encourage pupils to ask provoking challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. To develop pupils ability to consider there is different answers to the same question. Pupils learn to weigh up the value of wisdom from different sources, to develop and express their insights in response, and to agree or disagree respectfully.

· Equip pupils with systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews, enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identities.

· Pupils should gain and deploy the skills needed to understand, interpret and evaluate texts, sources of wisdom and authority and other evidence. They should learn to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to differ.

RE Curriculum Sequence & Resources

Barlby Bridge aspires to provides our pupils with the opportunity to learn about, enquire, investigate and question different religions and to give a broad and balanced view of the religions of our community and world. Because of this, we work with the local authority to provide a well-balanced and meaningful RE curriculum.

Of their RE curriculum, North Yorkshire say:

"Our vision in North Yorkshire is of a community where people of different beliefs and religions live side by side, displaying mutual respect, understanding and friendship. It is essential that our children and young people are supported in developing these qualities and, whilst growing in confidence, achieve a level of critical awareness that helps them to become builders and shapers of a better North Yorkshire."

This agreed syllabus seeks to support schools in this work. It has been developed with RE Today following consultation with SACRE and the young people and teachers of North Yorkshire.

Please visit the website here to find out more information.