
At Barlby Bridge Community Primary School we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. 

Science is a systematic investigation of the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the world which relies on first hand experiences and on other sources of information through the process of enquiry. It will develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence.

The main aspects of science to be studied are determined by the programmes of study of the National Curriculum 2014. To teach these areas of learning, we deliver Science using the Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership (CUSP) schemes.

Continuity and Progression of English at Barlby Bridge Primary School

Foundation Stage pupils investigate science as part of Understanding of the World. Children are encouraged to investigate through practical experience; teachers guide the children and plan opportunities that allow the children to experience and learn whilst experimenting for themselves. By careful planning, pupils’ scientific skills and the knowledge gained at EYFS and subsequently Key Stage 1 will be consolidated and developed during Key Stage 2.

Pupils in Key Stage 1 will be introduced to science through focused observations and explorations of the world around them. These will be further developed through supportive investigations into more independent work at Key Stage 2. The knowledge and content prescribed in the National Curriculum will be introduced throughout both key stages in a progressive and coherent way.

Our Science Curriculum Vision 


Our intent is to deliver the content outlined in the science programmes of study within the national curriculum, augmented with powerful knowledge, carefully selected to build upon our pupils’ starting points of cultural capital.

To this end, we follow the Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership (CUSP) model curriculum.

This is a knowledge-engaged progress model which clearly outlines the key knowledge and vocabulary for each stage of learning in sequence. It has been deliberately adapted in order for pupils to see themselves in the curriculum and prepare them for life in modern Britain.

At Barlby Bridge Community Primary School our science teaching offers opportunities to;


We want to ensure our pupils are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. Barlby Bridge aims to develop children’s understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through exposing them to a variety of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.

Science will be taught in planned and arranged sequentially in topic blocks taken from the CUSP Curriculum by the class teacher. This is a strategy to enable the acquisition of a greater depth of knowledge.


The Science curriculum at Barlby Bridge Community Primary school results in a fun, engaging and high quality Science education that has the following impact on our children. The achievement of the following impact statements, derived from the above science curriculum intent and implementation, will form the basis of our decisions when planning a scheme of work. 

Pupils are given as much opportunity as possible to investigate. Science is generally taught as part of a themed topic, however occasionally it is more appropriate to teach it as a separate subject.

In addition to the core knowledge required to be successful within each discipline, the curriculum outlines key aspects of artistic development in the Working Artistically section. Each module will focus on developing different aspects of these competencies. This will support teachers in understanding pupils’ development as artists more broadly, as well as how successfully they are acquiring the taught knowledge and skills.

CUSP Science Curriculum Sequence and Resource

As outlined in our Science Curriculum Vision Statement, we are passionate about implementing our curriculum through inquiry based learning.

Alongside delivering substantive knowledge, we also want to teach children the disciplinary knowledge for them to think like a scientist and gain scientific capital.

Because of this, we implement the Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership Science Sequences of learning.

Of their Science curriculum, CUSP say:

CUSP is underpinned by evidence, research and cognitive science. Modules are deliberately sequenced for robust progression and allows teachers to focus on the lesson.

There is an emphasis on oracy and vocabulary acquisition, retention and use to break down learning barriers and accelerate progress. A rich diet of language and vocabulary is deliberately planned for.

Specific skills are discreetly taught and practised so that they become transferrable. The sequenced modules activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge AND understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon.

Each Science module has:

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