Classroom Climate and Culture addresses the classroom climate, or the mood, attitude, standards, and tone that students feel when they are in a classroom, and classroom culture, which involves creating an environment where students feel safe, free to take risks, accepted and included.
Click the icons below to learn more about the Classroom Climate & Culture indicators!

Identity Safe Classrooms

Diverse Learning Opportunities

Student Contributions

Collaboration & Communication

Growth Mindset

High Leverage Instructional Strategies for Strand 5

The strategies in the document above target the most indicators for this strand when implemented thoughtfully.

Teaching, Learning, and Leading Prioritized Practices

The strategies in the document above have been identified by the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Leading as priorities.

Strategy Name


Indicators this Strategy Supports


If an icon below is present next to the strategy name, it indicates that the department recommends the use of that stratey.

AVID Strategy


CLI  Strategy


MET Strategy

SEL & CP&I Strategy

Stetson Strategy (Special Education)

Tech Strategy

Teaching, Learning, & Leading Strategy

Think-Ink-Pair-Share is a cooperative learning strategy where students are given structured time to think about a prompt, write down their thoughts in response to the prompt, pair up with another student what they have written, and then share some of their conversation with the larger class. 

A Quickwrite is a low-risk writing strategy in which students are given a few minutes to write down their thoughts, ideas, or feelings about a topic, a personal experience, or a reaction to a picture or prompt.

Socratic Seminar is a structured, collaborative dialogue, focusing on a common text or resource, which students have analyzed and toward which they have prepared questions to spur the discussion. This strategy provides a format for students to practice skills in critical thinking, reading, and inquiry, as they participate in the inquiry-based dialogue.

Inclusive Welcomes are brief,  interactive  experiences that bring  the voice of every  participant into the room

Sage and Scribe is a collaborative structure where two students work together to solve a problem. One student describes the problem to another student, who tries to produce the desired result.

Collaborative Study Groups (CSGs) are an AVID structure in which students identify a specific question from a content area and collaborate in small groups to develop and deepen their understanding through inquiry and apply their new learning in order to enhance classroom performance.

In this activity students will jot down responses to a teacher prompt in a specified period of time. The purpose of this activity is to brainstorm ideas, share prior knowledge, or review content. 

A Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up is a Cooperative Learning strategy where students stand up, raise one hand, go find another student with their hand up and then hold a conversation with that person. 

Critical Friends is a peer evaluation activity can be used as either a midway feedback opportunity for longer projects or as a final assessment for shorter projects. 

Stand-Share-Sit is a collaborative structure that ensures full class participation and that all voices and thoughts are heard. 

This discussion technique allows students to be actively engaged as they walk throughout the classroom. They work together in small groups to share ideas and respond to meaningful questions, documents, images, problem-solving situations or texts.

Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that allows students to work in small groups, yet cover a body of information on different topics. Students meet initially in "Home Groups" to review previously introduced content. They separate into "Expert Groups" for a specified amount of time for in-depth study on a topic. The students then return to their original "Home Group" and teach the other group members the essential information from the topic.

Response cards are pre-printed, write-on, or student-made cards that are held up simultaneously by all students.  They display responses to questions or problems by the teacher. 

Four Corners is a debate strategy that requires students to show their position on a specific statement. This technique stimulates student learning through movement and discussion, and it can also be used as a formative assessment.

Reflection Protocols cover a variety of strategies that are used to engage students in reflective thinking about their learning. Reflective protocols can be used as formative assessments, checks for understanding, opportunities for students to make connections to the learning objectives, and opportunities for student-to-student or student-to-teacher communication practice.

QSSSA  is a structured conversation strategy to facilitate peer conversations and develop academic language. It can be used in any content area by any grade level.

Pre-reading strategies are strategies that students engage in before reading a text.  These types of strategies help students prepare their mind for what they will read, make predictions about what the text might be about, and review vocabulary and background knowledge needed to be able to fully comprehend a text.

Learner Profiles help to identify how students learn best and can be used to help teachers design personalized learning experiences for their students. Learner Profiles capture student interests, learning preferences and styles, and student strengths and needs. 

Assigning Classroom Jobs is a way to have students take ownership and responsibility for different aspects of the classroom and routines.  Teachers can use jobs to support student independence and create an inclusive environment.

Work Hard, Get Smart encourages students to work hard towards mastering the lesson objectives and to persist when faced with difficult material.

Co-Constructing Success Criteria with students allows the entire class to develop a shared understanding of what mastery of an assignment or skill looks like or consists of.

The features of a BLEND module can be used to structure a more personalized learning experience for students. BLEND courses and modules can be organized to be more navigable for students and their families.

Philosophical Chairs is a format for classroom discussion that ensures respectful dialogue, mutual understanding, and deep engagement into the subject matter.

A meeting between a teacher and a student where both the student and the teacher identify strengths and areas of growth during their discussion and then collaboratively select specific strategies that will support the student's progress.  The teacher should model selected strategies and participate in guided practice with the student during the conference.

The D.A.R. protocol invites all students to bring their experiences and knowledge to the content at hand. In this strategy, students will look together at an image, an artifact, a text, or a video. Then, they will share their observations, opinions, and connections to that media. 

A workstation is a structure for students to practice the current of unit study ideas and engage in ongoing review. It isn’t a specific place; it is a structure for practicing the standards. 

The language experience approach integrates speaking and listening, reading and writing through the development of a written text based on first-hand experiences.

The Concept Attainment strategy provides students with an opportunity to describe, identify, and construct a new concept through a teacher-led interactive structure.

With this strategy, a small group of students model language, expectations, or discussion for the rest of the class.

The Barometer strategy helps students share their opinions or ideas by asking them to line up along a continuum, taking a position on an issue. The Barometer gets many arguments/positions out on the table, and students are encouraged to move along the continuum as they listen to one another and their positions might change. 

A Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up is a Cooperative Learning strategy where students stand up, raise one hand, go find another student with their hand up and then hold a conversation with that person. 

Cooperative learning strategies, like Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up, help teachers accomplish many goals in the classroom. It increases engagement and provides opportunities for formative assessment and differentiated instruction. Cooperative learning strategies also allow for the collaborative construction of knowledge, provide an opportunity for students to develop and practice communication skills, and prepare students for working on teams when they leave school to join the workforce.

In a Learning Huddle, students have the opportunity to work in small groups to learn new skills, review skills they have been learning, or reflect on what they have learned with one another. 

Table Talk is a strategy that provides students with an opportunity to engage collaboratively with their peers to process new information, solve a problem, or complete an activity. All students are accountable and have a shared responsibility in completing the learning task. The teacher’s role moves from “information giver” to that of a facilitator of learning. It is important that the teacher monitor the groups as they work to check their understanding and progress, ensure they students are on track, and encourage them if they get frustrated or discouraged. 

This strategy has students explore what they know about a topic or concept by generating or sorting examples of what it is and what it is not.

Look and Link is a strategy that combines art-looking and art-making. By looking at two images deeply and exploring inferred and imaginary connections between the images, students can find and share meaning with others. 

Idea and Movement is a strategy that helps students make meaning by embodying an idea physically. Teachers often use this strategy for vocabulary, like “multiply” or “habitat,” and also for complex topics like algebra and environment. In addition, it creates problem-solving challenges to put ideas into motion and revise those ideas upon reflection.

Town Hall Meeting requires every student’s active engagement with their curriculum as they transfer ideas into new contexts. In this strategy, students interact with real-world scenarios and oftentimes complex problems with multiple sides and sources of input.

Pass the Picture is a strategy that presents multiple perspectives through a curated selection of images, provoking conversation and generating inquiry about an academic topic.

In the creative teaching strategy Model Making, students use an artistic medium such as aluminum foil, clay, or newspaper to show a three-dimensional representation of a straightforward vocabulary word or a complex, multi-faceted concept. 

S-I-T is a strategy where students identify something they find surprising, interesting, and troubling about the selected stimulus (video, text, discussion, etc.). Using S-I-T, students can summarize and demonstrate their interaction with a text, an image, or a video.

The Inside-Outside Circle (Kagan, 1994) is a technique in which students move around and interact with each other. It can be used as a cooperative strategy and a summarizing strategy. During inside-outside circle, students either sit or stand facing each other in two concentric circles. Students respond to teacher questions or note-card prompted questions and then rotate to the next partner. In the end of this type of structure, students will have both been teachers and learners of new information.

Turn and talk is an instructional routine in which students use content knowledge during a brief conversation with a peer.

An Intentional Close is a method of bringing closure to a class or meeting and building a bridge to participants' next steps in an intentional way.