Philosophical Chairs


What Is It?

Philosophical Chairs is a format for classroom discussion that ensures respectful dialogue, mutual understanding, and deep engagement into the subject matter.

Why Use It?

  • Improves verbal fluency and academic language.

  • Encourages students to take risks and share opinions with one another.

  • Promotes Critical thinking and higher-order thinking skills.

  • Engages students in using textual evidence to support their opinions.

Instructional Steps:

  1. The teacher or a student presents a statement for the class to consider;

  2. All students spend three minutes writing their ideas about the statement;

  3. They decide which position they’ll take on the statement (yes, no, undecided);

  4. They discuss their ideas and positions for about 10 to 15 minutes; and

  5. They write a reflection that includes the comment that most challenged their thinking; whether they changed their mind or not; and how open-minded they were at the start of the conversation.

Quick Tips

  • Set up discussion norms before starting any speaking and listening activity in the classroom. Some sample norms could be:

    • One person speaks at a time;

    • Look at the speaker and use body language that shows you’re listening;

    • Restate what the person before you said;

    • Let three people on your side speak after you before you speak again; and

    • Gently and quietly remind others if they’re not following the norms.

Did you know?

  • The AISD AVID Department can help with this strategy.