Model Making


What Is It? 

In the creative teaching strategy Model Making, students use an artistic medium such as aluminum foil, clay, or newspaper to show a three-dimensional representation of a straightforward vocabulary word or a complex, multi-faceted concept. 

Why Use It?

Students use the art-making process to explore what they know about a topic, represent it concretely or symbolically, and then explain the thinking behind their creative process and product.  Model Making helps students visualize a topic, from a straightforward vocabulary word to a complex, multi-faceted concept.  

Instructional Steps: 

1. Introduce Model Making.

2. Introduce the art medium, time as a creative constraint, and review how medium can be manipulated to create a sculpture.

3. Give two minutes of exploration time to practice manipulating art medium(s).

4. Provide prompt and brainstorm symbols and examples that convey the meaning of prompt. 

5. Facilitate reflection with one model, as a class, and then with the artist. 

6. Provide a second prompt and brainstorm symbols and examples. Give students a three-minute time limit to create a model.

7. Facilitate a Gallery Walk to view the models as an anonymous collection.

8. Facilitate reflection as learners with the collection of models.

Quick Tips

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